Any news on update? Not when it's coming but how you guys are doing?

  • So I was just curious about anything new on how you guys are doing and if you have considered the fact that the new android devices are using tk1 tegra technology with 64bit architecture looking at that you guys would definitely have a more reasonable advantage not with just graphics but also amount of space since there is expandable memory to these devices with development on the apple that's fine but I would also conceptualize the possibility with android devices on there architecture in the future. I plan on trading in my iPad mini 16 gig for the new air 2 which has a a8x processor.

    Seeing that the iPad mini 3 has the same architecture as the second with minor changes I plan on getting the 64 gig version of the air 2 would this amount of space be enough for what you guys have in store for aerofly?

    Also news has come about a company taking fsx under there own hands and plan on using its engine to release styled type games knowing that fsx had its limitations the engines outdated and clearly what you guys have so far is just running beautiful I believe your progress in this flight sim is the beginning of what could be the next gen for flight simulators also with the fact it's really graphically amazing and with great rendering speeds but also x plane lacks a little of what only aerofly provides but either way you guys I'm Shure are working hard and that's what will really shine the fruits of your labors either way keep up the great work

    Sincerely C05MIC

  • Yup, looking forward to this update. Definitely needing different times of the day and I would welcome some form of weather but the big thing I would like to see included is a replay feature. This is the one thing that keeps me going back to Infinite Flight.
    Are there any plans for a replay feature in Aerofly on iOS?