• I purchased the A380 a couple of weeks ago. I have been experiencing lag issues when near or in an airport. I mainly use KSFO, but have tried other airports and experience the same issue. On approach, on runway, and on the ground taxiing, the movements are slow and jerky.

    I have an iPad 3. I have tried after restarting the iPad fresh, no other apps running and have tired both with the limit frame rate option on and off.

    I feel like this has been wasted money and is not playable. Is anyone experiencing similar problems and is this solvable?

  • The iPad 3 is unfortunately not capable to properly handle the big airline models when flying close to an airport, especially KSFO. However, we cannot exclude the iPad 3 officially from being listed as compatible, as Apple does not allow this.

    So in one of the next updates we might require our App to support 64 Bit only which will in turn throw out the iPad 2, iPad 3 and iPad Mini.

    In your case, we recommend you contact Apple for a refund, this should usually be no problem.

  • For me, iPad Air, for airliners the frame drops significantly (Less than 10 possibly) when I'm really close to touchdown at KSFO. You can tell that there's a sudden frame drop, and everything is a bit laggy until you touchdown, then it'd be smooth again. KSFO is the most obvious one, but other has slight frame drops too. Can't say much about other planes, because don't fly them often. Though, I have to say that King Air is really heavy on the frames, like you can just feel it's creating a lot of lag.