• Well what does the tm.log file say?
    (have you added all of the code below above to the dynamics section without deleting any other code or deleting one of the <>?)

    A320 crash is real.

    log-file extract:

    3577.84-tmmodelmanager: WARNING: dynamics property [OutputPosition][ 0.0 0.3 1.0 ] not found in camera NoseLight
    3577.88-tmmodelmanager: WARNING: dynamics property [object][output] not found in camera NoseLight
    3577.95-tmmodelmanager: WARNING: dynamics property [Input][NoseLight.Output] not found in camera NoseLight
    3577.99-tmmodelmanager: WARNING: cannot create 0
    3578.05-tmmodelmanager: WARNING: cannot create 0
    3578.09-tmfile_properties: ERROR: (file 'aircraft/a320//a320.tmd' is malformed. error=no closing bracket '>' found at file position 1)
    3578.91-tmmodelmanager: WARNING: Body -> Fuselage not found
    3583.03-tmmodelmanager: WARNING: Airspeed -> AirspeedIndicator.IndicatedAirspeed not found
    3583.08-tmmodelmanager: WARNING: PowerPosition -> ThrottleInput.Output not found
    3583.11-tmmodelmanager: WARNING: GearPosition -> GearInput.Output not found
    3583.14-tmmodelmanager: WARNING: BrakePosition -> LeftBrakeInput.Output not found
    3583.22-tmmodelmanager: WARNING: Body -> Fuselage not found
    3583.23-tmmodelmanager: WARNING: Body -> Fuselage not found

  • Quote

    3578.09-tmfile_properties: ERROR: (file 'aircraft/a320//a320.tmd' is malformed. error=no closing bracket '>' found at file position 1)

    That is what I was referring to. This means the syntax is not correct after you've added the code lines in. Either I've screwed up by copy pasting the code here into the forum or you did make a mistake when pasting the code into the tmd file...

    Dave, did you find any mistake in the code?

    Here is a little more of my code, maybe that helps?
    lines 56 to 83

    lines 267 and following

  • Dave, just a visualization.
    it would require multiplayer/server net and/or full AI module to get something like this live.
    For your specified purpose an exterior cam with some dynamic cam however is very much possible,
    i understand that jet-pack is working on it or may have a solution already. Compare to the A320 passenger cam topic.

    Jet-Pack (IPACS),
    need some time to analyse the A320 entries,
    my guess is that it doesn't like the viewSoft allocation, as soft seems defined nowhere. it may not understand it.
    will get back.

    i am acutally surprised that a little a/c-disrupt is able to crash the entire game.

    * By the way, i need your help in getting me the default F-18 cam section,
    would appreciate if you could drop the first some lines (Pilot) for me . Thanks in advance.