This scenery is on another league. Super job. Well done by FranceVFR and our friend Antoine, its designer.
Salut, Antoine!.
Cheers, Ed
This scenery is on another league. Super job. Well done by FranceVFR and our friend Antoine, its designer.
Salut, Antoine!.
Cheers, Ed
The participants were those that were already familiar with navigraph and certainly already in the community to have heard about this survey
FSElite.Net and Flightsim.Com, which I think are one of the most read general FS information websites, together with AVSIM, were promoting the survey back in November 2019, with good anticipation. In fact, any AVSIM reader or participant was able to know about this survey by following the various posts about it
In my opinion, any simmer enthusiast (not only hard-core) had the opportunity to hear and also to participate in this survey, and that's probably why the number of respondents increased to 17,800 from 15,000 the year before.
I think it's important to be humble and accept the market readings, otherwise things will, or will continue to go south.
Cheers, Ed
Just rambling, really, but I guess I’m sort of suggesting maybe Aerofly target their sim at specific audiences? E.g “Come see this fab sim - it loads in a flash and is awesome in VR”
Interesting to note on the final report (Section 3.11.1) that VR headset owners represent just 17% of the total of users, but even 5% of those never use VR for flight simulation, making the total of users or VR for flight simulation just a mere 12% of the total. On the same track, VR users for FS prefer Flight Controls like Pedals, Throttle and Joystick instead of VR hands (see 3.11.5).
If this tells nothing to IPACS, well, that's the market reality, even if you don't want to hear from it.
Cheers, Ed
IPACS participated last year as sponsor (didn't know why it was decided not to in this opportunity) and the results were very similar. I don't think the results are biased in anyway.
Cheers, Ed
The survey was finally released yesterday Feb 4, 2020. Good reading to know the current tendencies about flight simulators use and expectancy for the new MSFS2020 to be released later this year, among other equally important findings.
Here you can see an executive summary, and also the link to the complete report:…ey-2019-results
Cheers, Ed
And so on. Personally, I got tired of spending money and time for just buying addons for and maintaining three sims instead of flying. So XP11 fell out of the loop. I'll certainyl have to re-evaluate the situation after the new MSFS will become available.
I agree. Three sims is way too much. I have just two, P3Dv4.5 (main) and AFS2, no more. I must also admit that keeping up with a sound and working installation of P3D is time and a kind of a "brain" consuming task. I've never tried X-Plane.
By the time MSFS2020 goes out and we know exactly what is inside it (and not those mere speculations and expectations that very often leads to frustration), a decision have to be made (by me, of course) to decide which one of the old two will be dropped out. And, have to confess also that to me it'll be difficult to think in dropping P3D out for several reasons (the main reason, and finance experts call it "sunk costs", I have invested a pretty good amount of money in addons for it already to simply say goodbye).
We're facing a time of changes in the flightsim industry, but for good. We can speculate a lot about the new MSFS2020 and the next versions of the other main simulators, but something is for sure, people will have to invest good money in new hardware and new addons to cope with something that's called progress and innovation.
Cheers, Ed
The wind is changing. The big player is coming, and it's coming fast. There is less than a year left for Ipacs to make some critical decisions. We all have to adapt to the change.
Why don't making another change?. Just buy another sim, you can have three choices: the upcoming new one, P3Dv5 (coming up later this year, but no news about when exactly) or X-Plane (who I think is preparing the new version 12).
Of course, you can keep your current installation of AFS2 for doing, as you said, GA - VFR flying.
Cheers, Ed
Excellent work. Nice airports details, with excellent runway textures. Payware quality!.
Thanks for sharing.
Cheers, Ed
Are the terminals (KBOS) built with AFS2 default (or xref) buildings? no jetways?.
Cheers, Ed
Meaning that the add on will bring some kind of weather to AFS2...? I don't suppose you are talking about an upcoming IPACS weather engine...
Nope. Most probably from a third party. Cannot tell anymore.
Cheers, Ed
Weather settings do nothing apart from (so I am told) visibility. But all other settings do nothing because AFS2 does't have a weather engine.
Not yet!.
Cheers, Ed
Display MoreHey guys, i have two Problems with the Atc.. Maybe everyone can help me
1. i have the license code from the Support for the configuration Tool and i have Generte the code for rcv4.. but in my Aerofly Stays „Not licensed“
2. i will load up a Flight Plan from simbrief (pln document) and it Say „run Time error 713 you Need the MSSTDFL.dll to install this in your machine“ but in my folder is the dll...
Can Anyone help me??
Cheers Felix
You should contact support at the product website, Karl (author) will be glad to help you.
Cheers, Ed
Yearly survey 2019 open at Navigraph website:
Always good to know the flightsim community preferences and tendencies. Have you already taken this survey?.
Cheers, Ed
Why don’t taking a look in the manual?. It’s probably mentioned there.
Cheers, Ed
I found a guide where the part from the start up to ".exe" also has to be enclosed in quotes (obviously to encapsulate some blanks). Like this:
"F:/.../aerofly-wettergeraet-desktop.exe" --apikey "gwgsgdhhg"
Does this work?
Yes, it does!.
Thanks for your support.
Cheers, Ed
Does it work when you remove the part with "--apikey..."?
Yes, it works. When I append the apikey it doesn't.
Your screenshot looks proper but for the missing " at the end of the command call.
The apikey is truncated, but has a quote " at the end, i.e., the apikey is written between two quotes.
Seems that it's not working.
Thanks, Ed
I doubt the quotes should be there. Try without.
Tried with, without, with one space, without one space, and no luck. Please let me know if you're successful.
Cheers, Ed
Until then you will have to supply the API key by adding '--apikey "YOURAPIKEYHERE"' to your desktop link. See…top-application on how to do that.
Thanks for the help. I'm supplying the API key as explained in your documentation, between quotes, as you suggest, but when I hit apply in the properties dialog what I get is an error message saying the supplied name is invalid, and that I have to check if the path and the filename are correct.
See attached (I probably have a typo or something - the key is incomplete on purpose).
Cheers, Ed
and supply the key to the Wettergerät
This last part is very confusing to me. Got a API Token from the website (hobby - free), and then after I'm stuck. Could you please explain more?.
Thanks, Ed