I’ve been away from the forum for quite a while, so was just wondering if there’s been any development in getting proper Motion Telemetry in FS4?
Thanks - ozav8r
I’ve been away from the forum for quite a while, so was just wondering if there’s been any development in getting proper Motion Telemetry in FS4?
Thanks - ozav8r
So, my first impression of Oahu, is - WOW!!!! Incredible attention to detail and an incredible depth of immersion and things to to and explore within the sim. Brilliant job by all involved, and it really sparks life into the Aerofly FS2 sim!! I’m very greateful and thanks again to Jake for creating a mirror, allowing me to download it!🙏🙏🙏
Hello Eivind,
I can have a mirror link uploaded in about 30 minutes. I will private message you.
Thank you so much Jake - that'll be hugely appreciated!!!
I'm so excited about Oahu as the most recent addition to the excellent Hawaii scenery - but - I have a problem. I have now tried 8 times to download it, and get very low download speeds 60-80kB/S and it crashes somewhere between a thiird and half way through, every time. Very conscious that I down want to overload the server, so I give it some time, tweak the settings on Internet Downlad Manager before trying again, only to have the same result. I have a fast broadband connection, and Internet Download Manager works very well in all other contexts, so I'm at a loss on how to get the Oahu scenery downloaded, Is there a mirror-server I could try or if anyone has any suggestions, I'd be most grateful.
Cheers - Eivind
Wow - can't wait!!
Yeah! There is a bunch of things that doesn't work in this airplane. Starting to regret buying it...
Yeah, I've bought it as well, but so far the experiences it all a bit - mehh...! Very limited functionality of the technical systems, and can't find a way to turn on the HUD (reading the manual hasn't got me anywhere either). Ohh, and unless IPACS gives us a way to actually do something about all those rockets strapped under the wing, perhaps just remove them and call it a "Trainer"?
Woohoo - great to see you're back in Southern Norway Hartman!!!
thanks for the super fast response.
I'm happy if you send me your parameters and the version number of the software....
see you soon - Marco
Hi again - sorry for the delay, have been away from my SimPit. I am using NextLevelRacing Platform Manager ver. Earlier versions used to have 2 AFS2 profiles, but this has now been brought back to the single one included with Platform Manager. I have reduced both Roll Rate Intensity and Pitch Rate Intensity to 0.5, and that has reduced some of the "jerkiness". The update rate however remains vastly inferior to what we saw prior to telemetry was removed with the R22 release. It is vastly better in the other sims, but I have pretty much given up on trying to get IPACS interested in sorting it out. The answer thay gave me was that the "the telemetry output that worked perfectly before the R22 release, was never meant to work at all, and so had to be removed as it could interfere with some "other" function." I haven't given up hope that they will eventually re-instate proper telemetry output, but it is not for me to set their development priorities. I would happily pay for this if they would provide support of motion platform, and pulled back from an investment in a commercial setup with a 6-axis motion platform, after it became obvious that any support was not forthcoming. It's a shame, cause AFS2 could be a brilliant commercial helicopter VR-sim, but without adequate telemetry support, it is not credible. Hope you get some satisfaction out of the motion in AFS2,
Best regards - Eivind
Display MoreHello Ozav8r,
as I see, you also have the NLR V3 and fly with it the ingenious Aerofly FS2.
I also enjoyed the NLR V3 last week, but so far (but only with Aerofly FS2) I have problems with it.
The movements of the system are very strange, always a kind of "shaking" in the movements.
Here a Little Video About the Problem:
How did you set the values in the motion software? Have you changed anything else?
Greetings from Germany,
Hi Marco - I’m away from my computer, but will get back to you in the next couple of days with the settings I currently fly under, including version of the NextLevel Software etc.. It “kinda” works for the moment, even though the update rates are very noticeably slower than X-plane and the others. I really never got any satisfactory answers on IPACS plans with regard to motion telemetry output, going into the future. I think there is a possibility they may include this option in a a “Pro-version” of the sim, but that is largely conjecture on my behalf, and I’m not trying to start a rumour. I’ll get back to you at first opportunity.
Best regards - Eivind
Beautiful - love your work!!
The current EC135 that we have been given by IPACS is a superb model, and I hope my request is not seen as a child that was given a bike for his birthday, and now cries because he wanted a different colour. I don’t think anyone had any expectation that the next aircraft model developed by the IPACS team should be a freebie, and we all understand that you need to monetise the ongoing development and support work within the sim-platform. The thing though, is that as we have access to the (payed add-on) of a brilliant Himalaya mountain scenery, with a liberal inclusion of helipads at strategic locations (including Everest Basecamp) there is an unfulfilled need to go and explore it with a helicopter. I was really hoping that the EC135 would be that helicopter and I am merely trying to build an argument that it COULD be, without spoiling the REALISM of the current model, by adding engine power or reducing the modelled weight (or a combination of both). I’m certainly not expecting anyone at IPACS to jump up and humour every request or whim we have, so I’ve just put it out there for your consideration, hoping that you might see the logic in the request. I will certainly continue to enjoy all the other good aspects of the sim.
Cheers - Eivind
As shown in the attached sales blurb from Airbus Helicopters, the T3/P3 can hover in ground effect at 13.300’ at MTOW. I don’t have access to a Flight Manual for the EC135, but it wouldn’t be stretching “reality” too much that hover in ground effect could also take place at Everest Basecamp, elevation 17.598’ at a significantly lower weight! Basic Empty Weight for the T3/P3 is only 1.482kg, so with a 80 kilo pilot and a fuel load of 400 kilos, you could model the EC135 at an operational weight below 2.000 kilos, a full 1 Tonne below MTOW. I would bet the EC135 would easily Hover in Ground Effect at that weight, with the power output of the P3 model.
C’mon IPACS - I really urge you not to dismiss this suggestion - it would allow us to fly the brilliant EC135 in the best mountain scenery and the YouTube scenery generated by the enthusiasts would drive new customers to the sim. It’s a win-win!
I totally get (and appreciate) the quest to be "realistic" but - the thing is, we have great base-sim in AFS2, with a superb add-on in the EC135. The aftermarket scenery for Lukla and Everest Park is the most immersive mountain scenery of any platform, with dozens of helipads. It's just that we have no way of combining the 3. Could you not indulge us with a version of the EC135 with beefed up engines and transmission, that make this playground available to us? Or, perhaps a way to reduce the weight of the helicopter to a minimum, so that a solo pilot with minimum fuel onboard could have a play up at altitude? I'm not having a whinge and I totally appreciate the work you guys do. This is just long-time customers feedback and request for some lee-way with the quest for realism, as it is after all targeted at consumers. As far as I have been able to ascertain - you do not currently sell a Professional version to the flight training industry, but when (or if) you do, let me know, as I'd very much like to invest in and buy such a product.
Thanks again.
I am continuously blown away by the new EC135 that we now have to play with. It is a superb model and will drive heli / VR enthusiasts to the AFS2 platform in droves. I have but one simple request, after having put it to work out of Lukla - an engine upgrade, or alternatively an option to reduce weight. What would be a superb platform to use on missions up to Everest basecamp (or beyond) is simply put - to anemic to be of much use at these altitudes. We really need a helicopter that is able to hover in ground effect up at basecamp, something the EC135 is currently unable to do. Which brings me to the question in the thread title - can we possibly get a P3 version of the EC135 with the the upgraded PW206B3 engines? These engines are putting out 528kW (708 shp) (TOP rating) to improve the high altitude capabilities, or - alternatively - could we get an option to ditch unnecessary weight to improve the performance? I fully realize that this is no Llama (nor did you set out to create one), but with the superb Mountain scenery for the Himalayas (with helipads Galore), we really need a chopper that can fly up there. So please, preddy please - give us an engine upgrade?
At the moment the height above ground for the ground effect is sampled at one point, which is why it jumps up when you fly over an edge. But that's the same in the R22 and not a new issue.
Thanks for the response Jan. I appreciate that it is not a new issue, but the perceived effect on the EC135 is larger - by a big margin - than I have ever experienced it to be on the R22. I love the R22 as well and my post above is only attempted to be constructive commentary and not a criticism.
Best - Eivind
First of all - congratulations to the IPACS team for pulling off the massive feat that the EC135 represents! I am in awe of the whole team for bringing this modern helicopter to the community, as an INCLUDED aircraft in the AFS2! This simulator now represents the best VR-heli experience available to the casual home user and I bet it will drive a horde of new users to the platform.
There is just one thing I would like the team to have another look at in the flight model - the rather large difference in lift between Hover In Ground Effect (IGE) and Hover OUT of Ground effect (OGE)? As it currently is - when approaching a landing and getting within what the flight model defines as being IN ground effect the increase in lift is massive and there is no "ramp up". For instance - when slowly moving forward from an "OUT of ground effect hover, for instance when approaching almost in level flight towards the roof of a high-rise building. When approximately half the rotor diameter is over the roof surface, there is no warning or "build-up" of an increase in lift, but it is very noticeable that the flight modelling suddenly changes a single parameter, and the helicopter "lurches" into the air, requiring an immediate large reduction in collective. I am a professional (fixed-wing mind you, so the hover "purists" may well argue it hardly counts;-)) pilot and fully realize that there is SOME difference and I also totally understand that the developers are aware of this and have included it in the modelling. My request however, is that they look again at the WAY this is modeled and - if possible - have a look at a more sophisticated and gradual build-up of lift, when translating into a steady Hover IN Ground Effect. At a very minimum the difference in lift provided between IGE and OGE should be reduced.
And just to re-iterate - this is a very minor issue, and does NOT detract from what I believe is the best and most sophisticated rotary wing expereince available to the home enthusiasts!
Very intriguing project! I’m really impressed with your vision and understanding of what matters most in VR, i.e. geographic location of controls, levers, knobs, switches and buttons. The modular approach is just perfect to allow individual adaptation of different aircraft. Well done - I’ll be watching the ongoing development of this with great interest!
Your attention to details is impressive - much obliged!
Display MoreAgreed - 100% I wanted to like the new Microsoft Flight Sim, I really did!! It is however a big disappointment in it's original form, and it will be up to third-party developers to rescue it - again;-) Way more fun to fly in AFS2, particularly with your great scenery, insane frame-rates, fast loading times - and of course - VR and Helicopter(s)
After struggling to download, install and test the new MSFS (over Norway) - my conclusion so far is clear:
If I want to fly over and explore Norway, I still prefer Aerofly FS2. And that conclusion inspires me to continue the project Southern Norway.
A new area will soon be ready for download:
You’re the (HART)man - awesome effort!! Off to Bømoen for circuit Practice then!!!!