I used Aeroscenery to recreate the scenery of Maldives where there are mountain elevations but with the scenery that I created don't show the mountainous elevations in Aerofly. Just flat mountain pictures. How to convert them? I mean how can I elevate the mountains?

How to create mountain elevation??
I used Aeroscenery to recreate the scenery of Maldives where there are mountain elevations but with the scenery that I created don't show the mountainous elevations in Aerofly. Just flat mountain pictures. How to convert them? I mean how can I elevate the mountains?
Well, knowing the highest elevation in the Maldives it 2.4 m AMSL, then you'll need a very accurate mesh...
Well, knowing the highest elevation in the Maldives it 2.4 m AMSL, then you'll need a very accurate mesh...
Yes I did a highly accurate mesh with level of 15. I am getting really HD Pictures of what I got in Aeroscenery. But no mountain elevation. How to do? Does GeoConvert helps us to create mountain elevations?
What mesh source did you use ? Compiling Level15 doesn’t make much sense I’m afraid unless you have a 0.5m dem or even lower, which I doubt.
What mesh source did you use ? Compiling Level15 doesn’t make much sense I’m afraid unless you have a 0.5m dem or even lower, which I doubt.
No Sir I don't have 0.5m dem nor even lower. How can I get those Sir?
Elevation feature was never implemented in AeroScenery. If it was, then I'm late to the party. Search for "creating terrain maps" in search bar. It's a bit of a learning curve.