My wishes list has been divided by 2

  • Since Aerofly FS 2019 my wishes list has been divided by 2 or more.

    I checked it yesterday and it only remains that:

    Priority enhancement suggestions


    • Callouts: V1, RAAS
    • Engines sound: a bit more hissing would the absolute perfection
    • Mach speed in the PFD under the IAS speed indicator should appear above M0.50 and disappear under M0.45
    • QNH should be in inHg in the USA, the same way it is automatically done for altitude transition in function of the region


    • The sound level of the application is actually low
    • All curves in the flight plan should be calculated in function of the supposed speed at the posistion
    • Possibility to take a picture of the screen without the UI in a better definition than the screen definition (x2 x4)
    • Possibility to set departure weather different from arrival weather (winds, clouds, visibility). Maybe having a clear weather near from cruising with backwind to push the plane
    • The UTC time could be displayed in local time in function of the plane position. There could also be marks for day, night, sunset and sunrise

    User interface

    • Option to not display the copilot button
    • Calibrate device automatically when autopilot is set off. Or the double tap on screen could also calibrate the device plus centering the view
    • “Night vision on/off” button to compensate the missing illumination of the runway and the taxiway
    • Total distance while preparing a flight plan


    • Landing lights should illuminate the exterior
    • Generic ATC background sound in the cockpit
    • “Bling blang bling” sound inside the cockpit when rolling fast on the runway
    • “Blong” sound when the gears touch down the runway
    • Buzzing cockpit view when rolling
    • When turning in taxiways, the cockpit view could turn a bit automatically
    • IPACS Aerofly livery for all planes

    Secondary enhancements suggestions

    • Pushback
    • Different departure and arrival QNH would be nice
    • PNW region
    • Japan region
    • France region

    Ok it is a lot, but I'm a maniac!

    And IPACS made many of my wishes come true, so I published it again...

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC

    Edited once, last by FrankLFRS (March 20, 2021 at 1:36 PM).

  • FrankLFRS March 19, 2021 at 10:05 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “My wishes list ahs be divided by 2” to “My wishes list has been divided by 2”.
  • Excellent suggestions I'm sure that ipacs already work on some of them .... What really needs is better sounds, for example realistic sounds of the a320, when turning on the engines nothing sounds 😔 it would be incredible to add the sound of the Ge90 engines to the incredible boeing 777 ... I would love landing gear sounds when taking off and landing, generic atc sound would give incredible realism, planes like the 787 dreamliner or an embraer would be wonderful ... Add more regions for example Germany, France and Spain ... More functions of the fmc of the different airplanes and something very important to add more functional systems in different airplanes with their respective real alarms and sound of the systems etc.

  • Excellent suggestions I'm sure that ipacs already work on some of them .... What really needs is better sounds, for example realistic sounds of the a320, when turning on the engines nothing sounds 😔 it would be incredible to add the sound of the Ge90 engines to the incredible boeing 777 ... I would love landing gear sounds when taking off and landing, generic atc sound would give incredible realism, planes like the 787 dreamliner or an embraer would be wonderful ... Add more regions for example Germany, France and Spain ... More functions of the fmc of the different airplanes and something very important to add more functional systems in different airplanes with their respective real alarms and sound of the systems etc.

    In Aerofly FS 2019 / A320 the sounds of the gear were louder. Loud when extending, and wind sound in them when extended.

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC

    • QNH should be in inHg in the USA, the same way it is automatically done for altitude transition in function of the region

    I agree with most of what you have said, still slightly confused by the “bling blang” sounds you mention but oh well 😂

    France and especially Paris and Toulouse would be amazing, just seeing the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysées and also the Airbus factory would be incredible (I’m part French and am from this area in the south of France ;) ) I expect this could be done as none of us were expecting the UK or Florida for AFS2021 but we got them anyway, I personally was expecting an extension of the US map north to the Pacific Northwest.

    Just with the Baro, you can set the different units by pulling on the switch I think; you can switch it from 29.92 hPa to 1013inHg, that is a thing. Also pushback would be cool but JetPack has mentioned that it would take a while to implement, especially into more than 300 airports across the US and Europe. IPACS would want to take their time with a feature like this, and include moving ground vehicles which physically reverse the aircraft from the gate, so this would be very cpu intensive and very time-consuming to put into the game.

  • I agree with most of what you have said, still slightly confused by the “bling blang” sounds you mention but oh well 😂

    I always have difficulties expressing the bling blang sound: when rolling fast on the runway, inside the cockpit, you can hear vibration sounds. This is what I mean about.

    hPa / inHg, yes it can be changed. But I would like it already set on inHg in USA like they do automatically with the 18000 ft USA transition altitude.

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC

  • I always have difficulties expressing the bling blang sound: when rolling fast on the runway, inside the cockpit, you can hear vibration sounds. This is what I mean about.

    hPa / inHg, yes it can be changed. But I would like it already set on inHg in USA like they do automatically with the 18000 ft USA transition altitude.

    I’ve already added the inHg/hPa region switch in my developer build and it should be available with the next big update.



  • I’ve already added the inHg/hPa region switch in my developer build and it should be available with the next big update.

    Oh thank you, you rock :thumbup: . “ big update...” :/ hum, can’t wait...

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC