BUGs in the Game and Expectations for the Game.

  • Ok so with autocockpit on the airbrake is ok. But one question: what other things does autocockpit setting on?

    The spoiler can also be opened in the air, and the maximum reversal power can be achieved when the throttle slider is pulled to 50%. 70 knots off reverse thrust.

  • BUG Feedback Post

    1. PAPI's error.

    Jet-Pack (IPACS) This is where I found PAPI's problems in the game. When I import the airport data used on the PC side. I found that PAPI's inaccuracies persisted. On the glide path guided by ILS signal, PAPI still shows three white and one red. This may not be a simple scene problem, but rather PAPI's inaccurate reference documents. You should check PAPI's reference folder as soon as possible to make sure PAPI's instructions are correct. This issue has been in the game for a long time, hopefully you can fix it completely in the next update!

    2. Some suggestions for playback.

    Also, I'd like you to extend the time limit for flight replays on mobile devices. Playback is currently limited to 1:40 seconds. The computer side does not need to worry about such problems. Many youtubers struggle to make videos because the playback time of a game is not enough and they have to record it in real time. I would appreciate at least five minutes of playback time. At the very least, let the replay record a full taxi and a full takeoff and departure. :saint:

    3. jets' BUG feedback post.

    I posted BUG feedback on some jet fighters a while back. You didn't give me a reply. If you don't see them, I hope you can review them and fix them as soon as possible.

  • Jet-Pack (IPACS) This is where I found PAPI's problems in the game. When I import the airport data used on the PC side. I found that PAPI's inaccuracies persisted. On the glide path guided by ILS signal, PAPI still shows three white and one red. This may not be a simple scene problem, but rather PAPI's inaccurate reference documents. You should check PAPI's reference folder as soon as possible to make sure PAPI's instructions are correct.

    There is no PAPI database in Aerofly, they are all set to about 3°, and that's a big error that I complained about many years ago. PAPIs and ILS approaches have different angles at almost every airports and do not have to match at all. ILS is used for IFR flights and PAPIs for VFR flights, so never both at the same landing. For example, if you try to land in Lugano LSZA with Aerofly on runway 01 on LOC or PAPI, you will not survive in case of some mountains, the real LSZA has an ILS of 6.65° and a PAPI of 6°.

    So AF 4 needs a possibility of different approach angles to be introduced if viable flight plans are to be possible.