Crashing while turning off engines of the A320

  • Hey people, hey devs,

    i have encountered an issue that when i turn off my engines after a flight with an A320, the app crashes. I flew Frankfurt-Olbia today, the app crashed when i wanted to turn off my engines at the terminal (APU was running aswell). I am on an 8th Gen iPad, 128GB model.

  • It happened twice to me. It seems happening by night flights.

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC

  • What kind of flight did you make before the landing? Did you fly for hours or just positioned yourself on final approach? Did you use time skip during the flight? What assistance options do you have enabled?

    Does it crash immediately as soon as you select cut off or does it take a bit and engines spool down?

    Do you recall having this issue at a particular airport or above a certain elevation?

  • I did a start to finish normal flight, from the parking position in Frankfurt to the parking position in olbia. I flew the entire flight without skipping, i only have auto trim and auto warnings enabled. before the flight i did a 45-minute a320 flight , where the app crashed aswell when i wanted to turn off the engines.

  • It reminds one of my threads:

    May 22, 2022 at 1:17 PM

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC

  • Hey people, hey devs,

    i have encountered an issue that when i turn off my engines after a flight with an A320, the app crashes. I flew Frankfurt-Olbia today, the app crashed when i wanted to turn off my engines at the terminal (APU was running aswell). I am on an 8th Gen iPad, 128GB model.

    It happens to me all the time after a longer flight. I already told them this bug.

  • Many people have such problems. I noticed that this does not happen on all aircraft models, but on most of them. It doesn't matter what the flight was (day/ night) and how long the flight lasted. As soon as you park and turn off the engines, the game crashes. It is noteworthy that this problem began to manifest itself after the update, which by the way was already almost six months ago. But developers are not much concerned about this. To any bug found by the players in the simulator, they respond that everything will be fixed in the next update, but we (the players) will most likely not wait for the next update. P.S I still think this simulator is the best, so I get very upset watching the developers ignore critical errors in the game leading to the application crash. All the best 👋

  • So is this just happening every now and then and only if you've flown for a long time and not when you just selected the approach and landed?

    since i’ve not done a landing and then taxiing to the gate yet, i can’t tell you if it happens there, but it happened the last 4-5 times i do a start to finish flight, no matter the distance and length and duration.

  • This doesn't sound like a crash that happens randomly, the more precise information I can gather the easier I can pin point what is wrong. I have not been able to reproduce this crash on my side yet which is why I could not fix it.

    Does it already happen when you start with before engine start, then start engines, shut down APU, start APU again and turn off the engine? Or does it have to be a 30min flight in between (which makes it very time consuming when testing!)

    What other airliners does this happen in? And someone also said this happens in the Cessna as well? Have you had crashes with the Cessna 172 when you turn it off, too?

  • This doesn't sound like a crash that happens randomly, the more precise information I can gather the easier I can pin point what is wrong. I have not been able to reproduce this crash on my side yet which is why I could not fix it.

    Does it already happen when you start with before engine start, then start engines, shut down APU, start APU again and turn off the engine? Or does it have to be a 30min flight in between (which makes it very time consuming when testing!)

    What other airliners does this happen in? And someone also said this happens in the Cessna as well? Have you had crashes with the Cessna 172 when you turn it off, too?

    It never happened to me in a Cessna and if I turn off the engines right after starting the plane nothing happens. Ah me, the game crashed after I did a longer flight and I turn off the engines while having the apu on.

  • This doesn't sound like a crash that happens randomly, the more precise information I can gather the easier I can pin point what is wrong. I have not been able to reproduce this crash on my side yet which is why I could not fix it.

    Does it already happen when you start with before engine start, then start engines, shut down APU, start APU again and turn off the engine? Or does it have to be a 30min flight in between (which makes it very time consuming when testing!)

    What other airliners does this happen in? And someone also said this happens in the Cessna as well? Have you had crashes with the Cessna 172 when you turn it off, too?

    I’ve only had it happen on a flight with takeoff and landing, not when starting up and immediately shutting down. And I’ve only had it happen in the a320.