Could contrails be added into Aerofly fs 2023? It’ll add more realism to the game. Maybe as the aircraft passes 25,000ft it starts to show.
Honestly not a horrible idea I’d love to see them as well but of course, I have no idea how hard they are to model or design
There should be a switch labeled "chemtrails" in every Airbus and Boeing plane... its just that the government hides them so well in order to prevent enemies from activating them
- Official Post
Some already have such a switch…
Some already have such a switch…
Chemtrails arise for when the aircraft jettisons fuel though right? Or you just turn them on whenever with a single switch 😂
- Official Post
No, fuel jettison is way to obvious, as far as I know it's an additive to the fuel, injected prior to entering the combustion chamber. It all happens automatically...