Aerofly Fs 4

  • PHello, I tested the new aerofly Fs global mobile and I really liked the airports around the world, my question is the global airports in aerofly Fs 4 are not as good as those in aerofly Fs global mobile, are these airports suitable for aerofly Fs 4? along with the pushback?

  • PHello, I tested the new aerofly Fs global mobile and I really liked the airports around the world, my question is the global airports in aerofly Fs 4 are not as good as those in aerofly Fs global mobile, are these airports suitable for aerofly Fs 4? along with the pushback?

    What if there will be a subscription to pay to access global as good as FS Global?

    After all, the global streaming is not in the Steam product description. For the moment we have access for free to something, but is it really the final product?

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC

    Edited once, last by FrankLFRS (December 8, 2023 at 8:33 AM).