parking postion

  • can i add a parkig postion? becose a lot of airports don't have the ability to show up there with their engines off

    Finally someone mentions it. The parking spots are very low plus some are positioned on wrong direction. Such as Antalya airport all parking spots instead aircraft be facing gate or terminal it be facing opposite the tail be facing gate instead. Many more airports with same issue

  • With a small WorkAround, you can add your own parking position and helipad position to every existing airport in FS4.

    The following explanation is provided without guarantee and without liability.
    The procedure has been tested on a Mac and does not result in ERROR or WARNING messages in the tm.log.


    (1) Create a TAP file containing this data:
    - [icao] = free ICAO airfield code not yet used
    - [model_center] = position of the file, may be identical to [position] of helipad or parking
    - date helipad
    - data parking

    (2) Convert TAP file to TMB, TOC, TSC and WAD files using the converter linked in this post.

    (3) If the airport folder created in this way is not yet in your own user directory, then move it there.

    (4) If necessary, name the airport folder appropriately (see example).

    The attached TAP file from the example contains several lines of explanations; these can remain or be removed (everything in one line after the ">" sign).

  • Finally someone mentions it. The parking spots are very low plus some are positioned on wrong direction. Such as Antalya airport all parking spots instead aircraft be facing gate or terminal it be facing opposite the tail be facing gate instead. Many more airports with same issue

    Saw an aircraft that the tail is facing the gate and its whole tail body lodged in the building