Help for development of the A330.

  • One question, will ipacs bring this project to Mobile or will it be restricted to PC only like some other user-made aircraft?

    On mobile devices the operating system of the device (iOS and Android) will automatically force close the app when too much memory is being used. This will reduce the app scoring in the respective App Store and it will reduce visibility in the store and thus sales of the app. This means we need to have full control of how much memory our app uses at any time so that we can prevent app crashes. If it were possible to modify the app from the outside we can no longer control the memory usage and the app might become unstable and crash more often, causing us actual losses in sales. And unfortunately history has shown that user created content usually aims to add as much high quality as possible until it is no longer possible. This is done beyond reason at times (e.g. 4k textures for everything) which lowers the app performance. We have also seen user content load huge data files that overflow our buffer limits (e.g. scenery cultivation files), causing many internal errors during loading, we've also seen incorrect file paths with mixed upper/lower case file-names and unnecessary high amounts of polygons in geometries. And because we cannot moderate the contents of user created content it is therefore not suited for mobile applications as long as memory is such a huge factor in the app stability.

    That being said we are not ruling out any cooperation in the future which would allow external content to be added into the mobile version indirectly through us as long as we see a market for it. But it would have to follow strict rules (quality, copyright, ...) and the author who made it would need to be available for years into the future for any future changes that might break the aircraft if an app update is published or otherwise they would need to sell us all the raw files of the 3d-model, sounds, textures etc. so that we can manually change the aircraft if we need to.