• As X-Plane does you could do the same approach, provide a beta Demo for 15 minutes for a selected area California for example.

    People who didn't bought it caus of the high price maybe, get now back to you again because they have the possibility trying the demo and feel the sim for them selves for a few minutes. 15 minut not more...

    But maybe this is more interesting after you have expanded the flying area.. don't wait to long with expanding the flying area.

    It is that what the sim community is looking for.

  • IPACS have said in the past that they don't want to put in the extra time it takes to prepare a demo when you can just buy the product and return it in the Steam Store if you don't like it. Make sure to read up how much time you have before you cannot return the product anymore.
    Due to the number of YouTube videos produced I don't think a demo is really necessary. And it would just slow the development process I think.


