Request for Aerofly FS2 to develop feature to send "Selected Avionics/Instruments"

  • title continued . . . develop feature to send "Selected Avionics/Instruments" to an iPad or Android tablet. This could effectively replace the Saitek FIPs by providing enough "out of the cockpit" flight data to fly the airplanes.

    The next paragraph was taken from the Q400 thread. Jan posted this back in October, 2016, while addressing a question about 'will be FMS be functional?"

    FMSes are one of the larger things on our todo list, we can't yet say when we will add this into all of our aircraft. To give a brief explaination why there are no FMSes yet: We want to implement one system that works for all of our current and possible future aircraft and is easy to feed with data from the outside, e.g. from our route planning menu page. When a user isn't famillar with the specifics of one FMS of any of the aircraft he/she should still be able to enter a route via the "navigation" user interface. At the same time advanced users should be able to create or edit the route from within the virtual cockpit. Because we are not an add-on company that can focus on just one airplane with one type of fms we will need more time to solve the issue. And then there are also the mobile versions to consider, and maybe we want to send the FMS data onto a mobile device or a browser while you fly on your desktop or something like that, who knows what the future might hold. So yeah, I'd very much love to have FMS right now, too, but this is one of the things that we will take some time, please be patient. We are aware that there have been quite a number of people that requested FMSystems.

    I would like to ask a question using the above as a starting point.

    If information can be sent to remote devices, ie tablets, then why not develop and enable a system to 'window' the flight data instruments and VC views to enable flight from outside the cockpit using physical flight sim cockpits.

    Let's say one has an iPad or two, along with a Saitek Flight Stick and Throttles and maybe Pedals. If we are not going to be able to use our Saitek flight gauges, maybe we can basically replace them when flying in Aerofly FS2 with active flight data on an Ipad or two.

    What do you think Jan? any other comments?



  • Hi Ray,

    yeah once we have a working connection we aren't really limited. But getting there will take quite a bit of time I think.

    It does make sense to have a FMS/MCDU or gps on your ipad or mobile device since thats also a similar sized device in the real world aircraft. Other things that would be great are the moving map with information like nearby nav-aid-frequencies or even parts of the cockpit like the overhead or pedestal with multi-touch interactions. Imagine how nice it could be to have a virtual throttle quadrant with detents or always have the PFD and ND in front of you, or just the COM or radio-management unit. You could tap on the overhead buttons or slide multiple fingers across the light switches to trigger them all at once. I could also see a remote panel for changing weather or time of day on the fly, change the flight plan from the navigation-menu and stuff like that.

    Then you could actually have a remote and make a long haul flight whilest sitting in the train to work or something like that. And you could also share a cockpit with someone else...

    Would be amazing :D


