Are you sure? Sure that your rudder does not move simultaneously with the ailerons?
I did a general reset, left unassigned the rudder, and continues moving simultaneously with the ailerons.
Ok Delfin I just tried this, I unassigned my rudder pedals from the rudder and left it blank and sure enough as we see in your video the rudder moves with the ailerons. I was wrong, apologies.
Devs we need some way of turning this auto rudder off please. Its ridiculous to get full rudder when applying full aileron!
Delfin just so you know, if you assign an axis to the rudder (such as rudder pedals or twist grip rudder on joystick) then this effect does not happen and you can control the aircraft normally, this ONLY happens when the rudder is not assigned to an axis. What joystick do you have? maybe a stick with twist control would be better? Or if you have a good stick maybe get some rudder pedals. They make a surprising difference to how much fun it is to fly.