Most of you probably have a finger over at Orbx, but just in case any of you missed it!
Snapped up the Netherlands! Joy!
Most of you probably have a finger over at Orbx, but just in case any of you missed it!
Snapped up the Netherlands! Joy!
While it is not supported, and potentially can break a lot of things with new updates, some users take a backup of the main.tsc file as a "save point". You could have multiple of these, and restore them, but again, with AFS2's large changes, they may break in the future. My 2 cents
As I, and many have rudder pedals, I would have loved to be able to bind the left yoke on the touch controller to something else, e.g. swap viewpoint.
So, over SF, in my Rift I get 45fps on OpenGL, suggesting the ASW has kicked in. Switching over to Vulkan, I get the full 90 on my GTX1070! I did notice it seemed easier to grab controllers in VR, which is good too. Noticable better sound in the C172. One small issue I have if I press the "Oculus" button to get into the view manager in VR, the view manger screen (the one that shows the two controllers and what the buttons do) flickers between each eye. Happens both on OpenGL and Vulckan mode. Otherwise, I'm loving the HUD in the Q400, still much to explore!
It's water cooled. In fact it was delivered at this speed and I haven't messed with it lol.
It's either 5.0Ghz (not 50), or they installed a prototype heat exchanger from the upcoming Skylon SABRE engines . You got a beast regardless!
Make sure you have single side faces.
Doh! how could I forget.... Thanks, it's smooth as concrete now! Thanks again.
Thanks Spit40 ,
this is quite handy, I tested it out successfully today. I also figured out that what I was looking for was to go into the "Advanced Settings" and enable the TCL socket port, that will let me telnet into the program on local port 1655 (or whatever you set it to) and run the commands, which will allow me to potentially script up a number of operations. You are probably already aware of this, but of some reason it did not just come to me straight away. I'll leave a screenshot here in case someone else stumbles over the same problem.
Any chance if either of you know if there is something to this issue I posted a bit back in the thread?
While I'm truly mind blown by both scenProc and MCX, and while I had some success with the latter, I seem to get this one issue, If one of the supporting textures from e.g. a sketchup model contains a filename with capitals, the content converter (not MCX) seems to reject it. E.g. in the example below there is a file called rialto_rialto_Concrete_etc.bmp , but the converter seems to pick up that it is with a small 'C', and asking for a file with capitals in it. If I have models with all smalls, there is now issue. I'm don't know if there is an issue with the content_converter, or if I could suggest an enhancement to MCX where it converts files to small? or maybe something I'm not doing right?
Hi everyone,
I thought I had figured out the runway part of building an airport, but in my latest build, the underlaying sat image seems to be leaking through the runway surface in a couple of places and I cant figure out why. I've checked the normals of all surfaces. Any suggestions what can be up?
<[file][][ymen by coffeecup]
<[vector2_float64][position][144.905389 -37.724710]>
<[vector2_float64][tower_position][144.905389 -37.724710]>
<[vector3_float64][position][144.905389 -37.724710 0]>
Display More
Display MoreDid you try the "Select All" example I posted at the start? See how prefixing the AC3D command with "AC3D" is all you need. The instruction goes inside quotes, but that's rather a limited script, so in the quotes put something like "myProc" then define a TCL procedure in your TCL file like this:
proc myProc {} {
ac3d select_all
Here's a script to rename an object to something else
proc doRename {} {
ac3d set_select_mode 1 ;# 0=group, 1=object
ac3d select_by_name "my_obj_name"
ac3d set_current_object_name "different_obj_name"
Now put this in your TCL file add command -label "Rename an Object" -command "doRename" -underline 0
this is good. I did succeed in getting the select_all using the add command working. What I'm looking for is a bit more "interactive" way of executing the commands while testing, and not having to restart ac3d each time to load a new script/command. In the forum there are references to using commands via telnet, e.g I see in one of your threads over on the Inivis forum "Andy" is referring to a telnet option "doing an "ac3d list" command via a telnet window gives the list of commands and one is"
Also, a bit better description of the various commands would be good. e.g. in the ac3d_list output it does not say what the arguments for e.g. set_select_mode is. Did you request a copy of the SDK? I see it's not directly downloadable, but available on request for us who has bought the license.
Thanks again,
Spit40 ,
I eventually reach the point in my insanity to try to create a couple of scripts to speed up some of the work I do around creating airports. Can I ask you a couple of dumb questions? I've installed the tcl shell and can do the hello world example, so at least it did not just explode, which is unusual when I first try something.
However, to get the 'ac3d list', I see on the forum that there is references to doing it directly in the tclsh or telnet? How do I "connect" to ac3d to execute 'ac3d' commands interactivly? I assume with your airfield generator you would have to do something like that? Any help would be much appreciated!
While I'm truly mind blown by both scenProc and MCX, and while I had some success with the latter, I seem to get this one issue, If one of the supporting textures from e.g. a sketchup model contains a filename with capitals, the content converter (not MCX) seems to reject it. E.g. in the example below there is a file called rialto_rialto_Concrete_etc.bmp , but the converter seems to pick up that it is with a small 'C', and asking for a file with capitals in it. If I have models with all smalls, there is now issue. I'm don't know if there is an issue with the content_converter, or if I could suggest an enhancement to MCX where it converts files to small? or maybe something I'm not doing right?
Haha.. yeah, I'm planning on doing 5-6 smaller airfields around Melbourne, and this one will definitely be the last one..
I decided to tackle learning how to make an airfield. After reading quite a many posts here on the forum and asking a number of dumb question, I went with modeling my local airfield, Point Cook (YMPC) outside Melbourne/Australia. It is apparently the oldest continuously operational military airfield, with the buildings near the sea going back from WW1. It was interesting as it has crossed runways and curved taxiway. Also it has far more trees close to the runway than I thought was safe, but I guess 'H&S in 1918 was a bit more laxed. See insert.
It is also an interesting place as there is an military air museum there, with quite many historica planes parked outside on the apron, there's a civilian flight school with a fleet of C172's, and often the are Blackhawks, as well as the RAAF's acrobatic team showing off, aside from a bi-annual airshow. I tried to put some of these as well in.
All the buildings are from the XREF library, used JOSM+scenProc from tree placement. Still polishing on building placements, was hoping to add some buildings to the base behind it, and fix up some of the decals a bit more, and add some wheel marks, but still happy with the first attempt. Feels really good in VR to fly into your neighborhood airfield.!
You could also use JOSM and plant them yourself. I did this for EGGP, you can also remove any unwanted ones in the OSM files. Save them as a TOC file and included in the TSC file,
This! I had not really explored cultivation until this weekend, but eventually figured out how to do the JOSM part with the single tree setting. Mind blown! just what I need! It is just so easy to plonk down tree lines or whatever. Thanks for the tip!
I am trying to recreate a old airbase with a few trees around using AC3D, and while the XREF library is very versatile, there are no trees in it. Would it be possible to access the default ones? I see there is a ttx named e.g. plant_broadleaf_02_1450_color.ttx . I tried just creating a dummy object and name it that, but that of course did not work.
What would be the best options to get some trees onto my airfield in AC3D? Cultivation seems to be more suited for larger random areas, not handplaced rows of trees?
Without knowing for sure, it seems like the tsc is following an older standard? Maybe try to follow the Kingman airport tsc instead? Also, perhaps it would be worth posting the content and output of your content_converter script?