Aerofly FS2 loading problem in Steam

  • Please attach your tm.log file (…can_i_find_this)

    and give us more information about your system, connected devices, gpu driver version, etc.

    Hi Jan

    I could not answer before now

    As you told me, I sent you the file "tm.log". I guess you can open it, if not, tell me please, and send it open.

    There is no additional device connected to my PC

    Regards: Delfin

    I forgot to include the tm.log file, here goes the copy.

    0.00-tmmodule: (tmsystimer,1) (tmsteam,1) (tmrandom,5) (tmsysinputdevicejoystick,10) (tmatmosphere,10) (tm_magnetic_field,11) (tm_time_zones,11) (tmsyssound,20)

    0.00-tmmodule: init modules=(tmsystimer=f=3342587) (tmsteam=ok) (tmrandom=407725862) (magnetic field=(257 198147)) (time zones=(1024 1048576)) (tmsyssound=(default=Generic Software) (0:Generic Software) (version=1.1) (1.1)) done

    0.19-tmmodule: Program version

    0.19-tmmodule: Copyright (C) 1998-2018 IPACS

    0.19-tmsyswin: memory=(physical=8189MB, avail=6395MB) (virtual=16377MB, avail=8388607MB) (21 in use)

    0.19-tmsyswin: operating system (7.1)= Microsoft Windows 7 SP1

    0.20-tmsyswin: monitor size = 477 268

    0.20-tmmodule: fullscreen modes=(1024x768x16x60) (1024x768x16x75) (1280x768x16x60) (1280x800x16x60) (1280x960x16x60) (1280x960x16x75) (1280x1024x16x60) (1280x1024x16x75) (1360x768x16x60) (1360x1024x16x60) (1366x768x16x60) (1440x900x16x60) (1600x900x16x60) (1680x1050x16x60) (1920x1080x16x25) (1920x1080x16x30) (1920x1080x16x50) (1920x1080x16x59)

    0.27-tmimage: preferred ui language = 'es-ES'

    0.27-tmimage: preferred language = 'es'

    0.27-tmimage: config folder = 'C:/Users/Delfin/Documents/Aerofly FS 2/'

    0.27-tmimage: loading config file 'C:/Users/Delfin/Documents/Aerofly FS 2/main.mcf = ok

    0.31-tmsyswin: checking if running in windows compatibility mode: (reported=7.1) (real=6.1 '6.1.7601')

    0.31-tmmodelmanager: init window: (mdf=60Hz) (window=0x0x1920x1080) (client=1920x1080) (screen=1920x1080) (32bpp) (60Hz) (fullscreen)

    0.50-tmmodule: available instance extensions: 'VK_KHR_surface' 'VK_KHR_win32_surface' 'VK_EXT_debug_report'

    0.82-tmmodule: 1 devices found:

    0.82-tmrenderer_vulkan: device: name='AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series' discrete=1 driver=4210689 api=4194341 memory=2048MB max_ubo=4294967295 max_pc=128 max_dimensions=16384 score=10002048

    0.82-tmimage: using device 'AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series'

    0.82-tmmodule: extensions: 'VK_KHR_sampler_mirror_clamp_to_edge' 'VK_KHR_swapchain' 'VK_AMD_rasterization_order' 'VK_AMD_shader_ballot' 'VK_AMD_shader_trinary_minmax' 'VK_AMD_shader_explicit_vertex_parameter' 'VK_AMD_gcn_shader' 'VK_AMD_draw_indirect_count' 'VK_AMD_negative_viewport_height'

    0.83-tmmodule: extensions enabled: 'VK_KHR_swapchain'

    0.83-tmcollision: ERROR: could not load device-level Vulkan function named 'vkGetBufferMemoryRequirements2KHR'

    0.83-tmcollision: ERROR: could not load device-level Vulkan function named 'vkGetImageMemoryRequirements2KHR'

    0.84-tmmodelmanager: create swap chain 1920 1080

    0.87-tmrenderer_vulkan: staging buffers pre allocated=105 staging buffer size = 46MB

    0.87-aerofly: resolution=1920px ss=477.00mm density=4.03 -> csf=1.00 res=1920.000000

    0.87-aerofly: window size=1920x1080 physical display size=477mmx268mm

    0.90-tmimage: loading font 'texture/fontdisplay.tff'=(512x512) (h=37) (nc=8365) ok

    0.91-tmimage: loading font 'texture/hud.tff'=(256x512) (h=48) (nc=123) ok

    0.92-tmimage: loading font 'texture/fonthelp.tff'=(512x512) (h=51) (nc=256) ok

    0.92-tmimage: loading font 'texture/segment.tff'=(256x512) (h=48) (nc=124) ok

    1.06-tmmodule: searching for input devices...

    1.06-tmmodule: searching joysticks...

    1.07-tmsysinputdevicejoystick: joystick 0: 'USB Game Controllers' axes=3 buttons=8 slider=0 pov=1 type=00010114

    1.07-tmmodule: 1 devices found= (USB Game Controllers) (594d93f01ff5bb3a)

    1.08-tmimage: trackir dll not found (DLL Location key not present)

    1.08-tmmodule: initializing Tobii Eye...

    1.09-tm_ext_net: gmap server running. waiting for connection. will use IP address '' and port 58585

    1.09-tm_ext_net: connection to ipaddress='' port=58585 established

    1.19-tmsystobiieyex: ERROR: (not ready(0) or connected(0))

    2.19-tmmodule: shutting down Tobii Eye... done

    2.19-tmimage: A0 new=8687 del=1915 dmem=6772 memory=16MB


    2.19-tmimage: loading model b747...

    2.19-tmmodelmanager: number of stars = 1572

    2.19-tmmodelmanager: model: (name='b747') (directory='aircraft/b747//')

    2.19-tmimage: loading configfile 'aircraft/b747///b747.tmc'

    2.19-tmmodule: contact points 3: (-0.713 5.503 -4.385 r=0.610) (-0.713 -5.503 -4.385 r=0.610) (23.863 0.000 -4.409 r=0.610)

  • Hm, it seems to have issues when loading the aircraft. But I also see a few entries regarding vulkan.

    Can you please delete or move the file C:/Users/Delfin/Documents/Aerofly FS 2/main.mcf so that aerofly starts with a fresh new config file? This won't delete your joystick settings but all graphics options will be back to normal.

    And if that doesn't help please check that you have the latest graphics card drivers installed.

  • Thanks GregDude

    First I want to wait for Jan's answer, what you suggest is very correct, but it takes several hours for that operation, and in principle I prefer to wait.

    I know that fulfilling your request will work, since the lost or damaged files are recovered, but again, the process is a long process. Anyway, your idea I consider infallible.

    Thanks again.

    Regards: Delfin

    Hm, it seems to have issues when loading the aircraft. But I also see a few entries regarding vulkan.

    Can you please delete or move the file C:/Users/Delfin/Documents/Aerofly FS 2/main.mcf so that aerofly starts with a fresh new config file? This won't delete your joystick settings but all graphics options will be back to normal.

    And if that doesn't help please check that you have the latest graphics card drivers installed.

    Hi Jan

    After reading your post, I remembered something I had done without much conviction:

    From Settings -> Graphic Settings -> Open Gl, -> I activated "Vulcan", (which I had never done before).

    For a professional matter, I had to turn off the computer. When I reloaded FS 2, I discovered that it was not loading. That surprised me and I tried to load "FS 1", which loaded perfectly, but the joystick was disabled. I also loaded the Microsoft Sim, and I did not have control with the Joystick either.

    I proceeded to activate and calibrate the Joysticky. Next, these last two Sims, worked perfectly but FS 2, continued without loading. That's when I turned to the Forum.

    I guess the problem was caused by me, activating Vulcan. Is it like that?

    When reading your communication, I proceeded to do what you suggested (delete the file "main.mcf", and ... it worked perfectly!).

    I apologize for not responding to your suggestions as quickly as you did with me. Professional matters they did not allow me. Really, I am really impressed with your dedication, interest and how quickly you respond, when a difficulty arises. Yes Jan; Yes, GregDude; Yes, Dude, you are formidable, extraordinary, you are ... admirable!

    Every time I have any difficulty and I think that a team of men are pending (and attentive) to solve any problem that I pose, it gives me enormous satisfaction.

    Thank you colleagues of the "Forum"; thanks IPACS, it is a great honor to belong to a community from which you receive immediately, this help, this collaboration, this commitment to solve other people's difficulties. Yes, I am very pleased to be part of this community, of this forum.

    P.S. I was surprised that Ray did not intervene in giving me ideas; he is always especially attentive, in solving my anomalies, my difficulties. I guess this time, he was not connected to the forum, in the interval of time that I have raised this difficulty. Also to you Ray, my thanks, for the many help you have given me since I have raised the first difficulty in this beloved Forum.

    To all the others, many, thank you very much.

    Kind regards: Delfin