I couldn’t find any info on their forums. Are we likely to ever have Great Britain scenery on this sim? I love Netherlands but gets a bit boring after a while.
Orbx TE GB update.
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From Orbx head of ops...
On indefinite hold at this point in time. -
Try Paris its great
For pure variety of scenery, Definitely check out IZ0JUBs UK scenery from the link above. There are also some nice airports like Liverpool and Leeds/Bradford to check out...
Thank you. Never knew about this. Are there any images and videos that showcase this scenery?
Thank you. Never knew about this. Are there any images and videos that showcase this scenery?
There might be some around the forums but here are a couple I posted previously...
The content cannot be displayed because it is no longer available. The content cannot be displayed because it is no longer available. -
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I have tried so many times to create Jandakot airport YPJT in Perth as we have nothing on the West Coast.
I am studying and working full time ATM and I just don't have the time to do a third job like learning how to make scenery.
Its the main training base for a Singapore airlines and China Southern Cadets and also the second busiest GA in Australia.
Orbx did a ripper version for P3D but its P3D and for helicopters its a joke.
Thank you. Very nice.