Even the 1980's flightsims had taxiway lights. Just seems silly to land at an international airport and then have to switch to day or turn up the display brightness to taxi back to the gate.
When are we getting basic taxi way lighting so nighttime flying is more practical?
Denver has them as well as the South Florida DLC airports and other DLCs. Are you referring to the original airports that are included with FS2?
Denver has them as well as the South Florida DLC airports and other DLCs. Are you referring to the original airports that are included with FS2?
FS2. The lights don't have to illuminate anything, just give us some bright blue centerline dots at least. Denver DLC only has one lit airport as far as I can tell.
The Colorado scenery has three airports with taxiway lighting: Denver, Aspen and telluride.
You can add lights to taxiways/runways yourself with the AFS2 Scenery Editor from Nabeel.
Or you can download the Apollo scenery, which will give you 9 airports with taxi lights.