I've been working on a small side project this week as I've had some spare time and my goal was to create a scenery/cultivation editor for AFS2 with emphasis on easy to use (as I know it can be very difficult modifying/adding cultivation in the right places).
This does require you to have some knowledge on how to load cultivation (you'll need to have an airport .tsc file that refers to the cultivation file).
Here are the current features:
- Add, edit or delete buildings, plants and lights,
- Create multiple plants at once (1 to 2500)
- Create multiple lights at once using a line draw tool
- Colors and icons for both buildings, plants and lights (color scales for building usage, direct color mapping for lights and icons for plant groups).
- 3D mode which allows you to see the building and give an indication of the # of floors (can be toggled off).
- Set default properties via the settings cogwheel, these are used when you create new objects.
- Modify or delete existing objects by right clicking on them.
- Mass select objects, drag them, duplicate them or delete them
- Toggle layer visibility, anything you delete will not count against hidden layers.
- Tooltip information with the object properties (can be toggled off).
- Multiple layer of tile sources (Google, Bing, OSM, CartoDB)
- Load 1 or more existing .TOC files (they must be plaintext)
- Save the output as .TOC (hidden layers are not included)
- Unless otherwise stated, assume everything is in meters and uses longitude/latitude.
- Q for creating a building,
- W for creating a plant
- E for creating a light
- R for creating multiple plants
- Backspace for deleting selected objects
- CTRL+V for duplicating selected objects
- Hotkeys for setting the default type (when drawing) for plant or building:
- 1 - Broadleaf - ALT residential/gable - SHIFT residential/flat
- 2 - Shrub - ALT commercial/gable - SHIFT commercial/flat
- 3 - Conifer - ALT industrial/gable - SHIFT residential/flat
- 4 - Palm
- Numpad 1 to 5 can be used to change floors on the selection area if they contain buildings
- F or D for zooming in and out (as it's broken in Firefox)
- ESC to cancel all drawing or editing action
- CTRL + Mouse to select objects (they are highlighted as blue after selection)
When in draw mode:
- Plant and Light objects are created by just double clicking anywhere
- Building is created by clicking once to start the rectangle and then clicking again to finish
- Mass plants are created in the shape of a polygon, keep clicking on your polygon boundaries and double click to finish.
- Mass lights are created in the shape of a line, click on your line boundaries and double click to finish
- If you made a mistake you can right click delete or mass select delete
- AFS2 only supports rectangular buildings, so make sure they look somewhat rectangular, (they'll end up being rectangular anyhow).
- Hold right mouse to shift your view at an angle
Every time you load the editor you'll be placed near London (loading a .toc file will take the center of the cultivation data present and put you there). I plan on adding a local state to save your location/settings (but not data as that wouldn't be possible through browser's limited local storage).
You are able to load any .toc file or alternatively just add buildings, plants and lights and save from scratch. If you want to give it a test run, I suggest loading the scenery by drassaud (such as Autogen Switzerland South Beta 0.1.0 and opening ch/places/Autogen ch South/fl_8-8 46-1_00.toc) or you can use my example.toc and load that (just a few buildings, plants and lights).
Anyhow, without further ado, here's the link: AFS2 Cultivation Editor. The editor itself runs locally so it will depend on your resources (CPU/GPU) to process and render. Moreover I've only tested this on the latest Google Chrome (Firefox was a bit sluggish and I had issues zooming, other browsers untested).
Looking forward to feedback! I can extend this to parse and work with .tsc files as well and add support for other things such as airports, xrefs, parking positions, runways, helipads, etc.