Duo Discus
MDIvey -
February 23, 2023 at 6:03 PM -
Thread is marked as Resolved.
- Official Post
Awesome, I have a lot of hours in the Duo in the real world, looking forward to flying it in Aerofly FS 4!
Well no doubt your help will be needed Jan when it comes to the TMD coding to get it to that stage...
Made some more progress with the Duo Discus, not all in a straight line but progress overall. I'm having to build the instruments from scratch as I have no gauges that are suitable for a modern glider so that's slow... also Jan found me some better reference pics that meant I had to redo most of the Main Gear and refine a few other bits. Anyway here is where we are at currently.
KR Matt
- Official Post
Looking great!
There's just one mistake in the picture: you don't use headsets in a glider. You can have a normal conversation because you don't hear anything except the rushing of the wind. So there's no engine noise or anything.
- Official Post
Looking good!
- Official Post
Nice work!
You can try to add a bit of reflection on the fuselage, which will make it appear more glossy and whiter than the current matt white color.
Try adding some _reflection textures (see aircraft DR400 example from the SDK)
There are already Reflection textures there so it will be easy to make it more glossy if you think it needs it Jan. I'll experiment and see what looks good.
KR Matt
- Official Post
I'll do a paintkit and then you can have a go at that one Pascal?
KR Matt
Jan I've taken the wing tips out of the main model TGI and made the two types of wing tips, option items, that can be added to repaints as required. I'll send you the updated files when I get a chance so it can be integrated with your master copy of the TMD, because it does require a few minor edits to get it to work. The Wing Tip collision hulls have been moved to the Wingtip Option system file, and the geometry names for the wingtips graphic objects need taking out of the geometry section of the TMD.
KR Matt
- Official Post
Nice work! I like the new repaint with the red nose and stripes a lot!
The two wing tip types can be part of the same 3D model and you can easily swap the two models using thee option.tmc files. Our A320 is a good example for winglets vs. wing tip fences.