I wanted to report a bug that is as irritating as it is on the 737-500, when I deactivate the autopilot the alarm does not stop sounding for nothing, which interferes a lot when landing, I hope they fix it, because I really like the aircraft, my simulator is the aerofly fs 2023

alarm bug after disengaging autopilot
- Official Post
Thanks, I have found the issue internally and I hope we can push that fix into an update as some point. Do you use the normal version or are you part of the beta?
Thanks, I have found the issue internally and I hope we can push that fix into an update as some point. Do you use the normal version or are you part of the beta?
I also noticed this bug, but already in the beta version Aerofly FS4
This was reported in FS4 weeks or months ago. Even in Android 2023 you can press the red button on the inside of the yoke to cancel the annoying alarm. The big red instrument panel AP alarm cancel button will not work.
It seems a problem with unintentional autopilot disconnects, manually turning off the autopilot remains normal.
Obrigado, encontrei o problema internamente e espero que possamos enviar essa correção para uma atualização em algum momento. Você usa a versão normal ou faz parte da versão beta?
I use the normal version, thanks for the quick response
Gracias, encontré el problema internamente y espero que podamos incluir esa solución en una actualización en algún momento. ¿Usas la versión normal o eres parte de la beta?
It also happens to me. Thank you for what you say