is this a glitch
dead route
is this a glitch
Have you looked up the FMC for a discontinuity?
Have you looked up the FMC for a discontinuity?
That's probably what it is.
Have you looked up the FMC for a discontinuity?
yes i removed that
is this a glitch
there are two disco. but i fixed the 1st one but i cant find the second one in the legs
is this a glitch
Happens every time I try to add an approach + an arrival.
Happens every time I try to add an approach + an arrival.
mostly happens if i use fmc or mcdu to plan route
mostly happens if i use fmc or mcdu to plan route
Well I do it in the nav panel (too lazy to touch the mcdu)
Happens every time I try to add an approach + an arrival.
No bug. You need to check the approach and Arrivals that are meant to work together, and if not is when the Arrivals are not for the ILS for example but for VFR landings or something like that. But normally you should be fine if you test the right combinations between those.
In case the airport has few Arrivals/approaches and they don't match create your own arrival with manual waypoints and use the approach you wanted but make sure you're doing this.