Pushback in VR

  • In the start locations menu with the supported airports there are park positions marked with arrows. There you have the two options "Pushback with engine running" or "push and start".

    The pushback truck appears automaticaly on start.

    The problem is to end the pushback in VR.

    The only way that i found out is to press the toggle pushback button (Shift + P on default).

    That's also the only way to request pushback if you start the airliner from "cold and dark".

    Because that is annoying with the VR headset on your head, i suggest to put a cheap game controller beside you and customize the pushback toggle button to an blind easy to find button on this controller. (controls - general - simulation - toggle pushback)

    By the way it is a nice thing to configure the D-Pad of the controller to move your seat position (up-down and vorward-back) in VR. That's more precise and convenient than only press the recenter button. (contols - general - views - movement)

    That is the way i do it, i hope this works for you too.

    Have a nice (VR) Flight! :)

  • I can imagine it's a lot of programming work to implement a floating menu in VR and probably it is not IPACS first items on their ToDo list.

    For changing views you also can customize some controller buttons, at least for a few important views.

    Unfortunately that's just the best we have at the moment.

    But way better a missing VR menu than a bad VR optimization and that's really one of aerofly's outstanding features.
