Pushback Now Available in Aerofly FS 4!

  • Dear Aerofly FS 4 fans,

    We wish you an early Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!
    As a present for you and to wrap up 2023 we added Pushback to Aerofly FS 4 Flight Simulator!

    Activating the Pushback

    With this update Pushback will be available for our airliners. Any time the aircraft is stopped on the ground pushback can be activated either using an assignable shortcut or using the screen overlay which can be activated in the settings. The default assignment to activate the pushback is 'Shift + P', however, if you already have Aerofly FS 4 installed then you will need to manually set this assignment in the controls menu in the general/simulation category, Pushback toggle.

    Pushback is also available from the location menu. When you select one of the new aircraft parking positions or stands with a pushback icon then the tug will automatically be connected at the start of the simulation. You'll have the option to select between "Push with engines running" and "Push and start" with engines off. Even when there is no pushback icon shown in the location menu you can still activate pushback with the shortcut or menu overlay button if you have an airliner selected.

    Controlling the Pushback

    To control the pushback tug we use your assignment for throttle and rudder/nose-wheel tiller input. You have manual control of the tug. The throttle increases the pushback speed and with idle throttle the tug stops. Using your rudder input (or tiller if assigned) the tug steers into position automatically so that your input directly correspond to a turning your aircraft just as if there was no pushback and you were rolling backwards.

    There are even new camera views inside the pushback cabin and on the outside of the vehicle.


    We have published a tutorial for the Pushback on our website:

    Pushback | Aerofly FS

    Changelog Version (20231218)

    • Added Pushback available for airliners on the ground anytime the aircraft is stopped
    • Changed location menu to display aircraft parking positions with pushback
    • Fixed location menu repositioning to a cruise position now sets the correct speed below 10,000ft
    • Improvements to missions menus
    • Added user made custom missions are loaded from the user documents directory, Aerofly FS 4/missions/custom_missions_user.tmc file
    • Improvements to several airports around the world
    • Added multiple different repaints for several aircraft, e.g. A320, C172, F/A-18C, Q400 and others
    • Added B747, B777, B787 CDU messages like: DRAG REQUIRED, etc.
    • Changed B7x7 CDU: improvements to preflight init pages: flight number, cruise wind and transition altitude and transition level can now be changed.
    • Added C172 3D directional sounds
    • Improvements to F/A-18C model, textures and repaints
    • Fixed B787 first-officer yoke now works correctly with virtual hands
    • Fixed B737NG overhead panel illumination and navigation display range selection
    • Fixed Concorde overhead panel is interactive in dedicated overhead panel view
    • Fixed Ju-52 ADF off-scale, B787 fan rotation direction, LJ45 and Q400 altitude alert beep volume reduced
  • Dear Jet-Pack (IPACS)

    Thanks to the team for pushback.

    On Mac SHIFT-P becomes SHIFT-O so you can't invoke pushback with the default SHIFT-P.

    I fly therefore I am
    MacBook Pro | M3 Max 36 Gb RAM | Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition | Winwing URSA MINOR Airline Joystick
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiss A319 A320neo A321(-neo/LR/XLR) + KOSP Project | ToLiss A330neo + Mango Studios
    simHeaven | BetterPushback | Traffic Global | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief | Navigraph (latest AIRAC)| WebFMC | MetarTaf

  • Mistake::)

    SHIFT+P is also saved as SHIFT+P on the Mac :) -- only the feedback in the display is SHIFT+O :(.

    I just tested it with both SHIFt+P and SHIFT+O.8)

    Tschüss, Michael (🍎🚁)


    - MacBook Pro (16", 2024); Chip: Apple M4 Max; actual macOS | WinWing: URSA MINOR-Fighter-Joystick R | Thrustmaster TCA AIRBUS EDITION: 2x Quadrant, 2x Quadrant Add-On | Pro-Flight-Trainer PUMA X

    - iPad (12,9", 4th Generation, RAM: 6 GB); actual iOS | nimbus steelseries

  • Jet-Pack (IPACS)

    lHow can I configure parking positions in the AirportCreationTool so that they have PushBack by default?:/

    For now it would be enough for me to know the code for later inserting it into the TAP file.

    Tschüss, Michael (🍎🚁)


    - MacBook Pro (16", 2024); Chip: Apple M4 Max; actual macOS | WinWing: URSA MINOR-Fighter-Joystick R | Thrustmaster TCA AIRBUS EDITION: 2x Quadrant, 2x Quadrant Add-On | Pro-Flight-Trainer PUMA X

    - iPad (12,9", 4th Generation, RAM: 6 GB); actual iOS | nimbus steelseries

  • Period 1 8:42am currently in ELA class, tired as crap. This 1 thing brightened my day tysm IPACS

    Professional Idiot,

    Edited once, last by chief chicken: tires to tired (December 18, 2023 at 3:42 PM).

  • Added user made custom missions are loaded from the user documents directory, Aerofly FS 4/missions/custom_missions_user.tmc file

    Great! Now I fix the installation instructions on my missions. ;)

    Edit: See, I fixed it! Actually nothing had to be changed in the Missionsgerät, and all custom missions still work, but the installation is less painful.

    Aerofly Wettergerät - Load live METAR weather data into Aerofly FS 2 and Aerofly FS 4

    Aerofly Missionsgerät - Convert flight plan files into an Aerofly FS 4 custom missions file

    Edited once, last by Armitage: Fixed it ;) (December 18, 2023 at 6:11 PM).

  • Jet-Pack (IPACS) Vielen lieben Dank für ein weiteres tolles Update in diesem Jahr!

    Ein fixe Idee für den Pushback:

    • Wenn der Flieger "ready for pushback" und die parking brake gesetzt ist,
      könnte ein button "connect pushback & release parking brake" aufploppen.
    • Wenn der pushback hingegen connected ist und still steht,
      wäre es schön, man könnte die parking brake setzen,
      wodurch für etwa drei Sekunden ein countdown "disconnecting pushback" aufploppt.

    Ich finde, so wäre noch realistischer, ohne in Punkto Einfachheit einzubüßen.

    Edited 7 times, last by Mr_Smith (December 19, 2023 at 1:22 AM).

  • Jet-Pack (IPACS) Vielen lieben Dank für ein weiteres tolles Update in diesem Jahr!

    Ein fixe Idee für den Pushback:

    • Wenn der Flieger "ready for pushback" und die parking brake gesetzt ist,
      könnte ein button "connect pushback & release parking brake" aufploppen.
    • Wenn der pushback hingegen connected ist und still steht,
      wäre es schön, man könnte die parking brake setzen,
      wodurch für etwa drei Sekunden ein countdown "disconnecting pushback" aufploppt.

    Ich finde, so wäre noch realistischer, ohne in Punkto Einfachheit einzubüßen.

    Diese Buttons gibt es ja in der Mobil und wenn man das Overlay in den Settings anschaltet auch in der PC Version.

  • Diese Buttons gibt es ja in der Mobil und wenn man das Overlay in den Settings anschaltet auch in der PC Version.


    I noticed that launching pushback unlock parking brake automatically. Why not, it's cool, everything is taken care of. But stoping it does not lock the parking brake!

    Apart from that, it is very a cool feature, and to my surprise available with streaming off.

    I fly therefore I am
    MacBook Pro | M3 Max 36 Gb RAM | Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition | Winwing URSA MINOR Airline Joystick
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiss A319 A320neo A321(-neo/LR/XLR) + KOSP Project | ToLiss A330neo + Mango Studios
    simHeaven | BetterPushback | Traffic Global | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief | Navigraph (latest AIRAC)| WebFMC | MetarTaf

  • We've published a small patch to fix the crashes when switching camera views when pushback is active.

    Please report back if the issues are now fully resolved on your end. If not please explain in full detail which camera view assignments you used (i.e. the name of the function as assigned in the controls menu).

  • We've published a small patch to fix the crashes when switching camera views when pushback is active.

    Please report back if the issues are now fully resolved on your end. If not please explain in full detail which camera view assignments you used (i.e. the name of the function as assigned in the controls menu).

    Dear Jet-Pack (IPACS)

    Is there a way to assigne a keybord key to the truck view or something?


    I fly therefore I am
    MacBook Pro | M3 Max 36 Gb RAM | Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition | Winwing URSA MINOR Airline Joystick
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiss A319 A320neo A321(-neo/LR/XLR) + KOSP Project | ToLiss A330neo + Mango Studios
    simHeaven | BetterPushback | Traffic Global | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief | Navigraph (latest AIRAC)| WebFMC | MetarTaf

    Edited once, last by FrankLFRS (December 19, 2023 at 12:26 PM).

  • Diese Buttons gibt es ja in der Mobil und wenn man das Overlay in den Settings anschaltet auch in der PC Version.

    Was mir fehlt ist, dass die parking brake mit in das pushback Prozedere einbegriffen ist.
    Eigentlich sollte man
    a) nicht connecten dürfen bei gelöster parking brake und
    b) nicht disconnecten dürfen bevor die parking brake gesetzt ist.

    Der Vorschlag von FrankLFRS , beim disconnecten, die parking brake automatisch zu setzen,
    ist wahrscheinlich die pragmatischste Lösung aber es ist eigentlich die falsche Reihenfolge.

    Deswegen hatte ich die Idee:

    The command to set the parking brake should not be bypassed while the pushback truck stands still.
    Setting the parking brake while the pushback truck stands still, should disconnect the pushback truck
    after a short delay of about 3 seconds. This delay allows the user to release the parking brake (again)
    in order to continue pushback. On the other hand: Clicking the disconnect-button, which should only be possible
    while the truck stands still, could simply have the same effect as setting the parking brake.

    Auf englisch ist das irgendwie leichter zu erklären...

    Edited 8 times, last by Mr_Smith (January 6, 2024 at 4:02 PM).