• I really like some of the new airports particularly those to the northwest of San Francisco as the surrounding scenery is stunning.

    What is your favourite airport or airfield in AF2?

    I would live to see one two small grass strips for the light aircraft and any bush aircraft included in the future.

    It would seem that you can now fly a 180nm straight flight between airports.


  • Could IPACS do a Marina with their next airport update. It has a nice VOR/(salinas)DME approach wich is workable with the current Salinas VOR and Baron set-up and has NDB/DME defined intersections/holds/fixes? It is one of the better non precision approaches in the Aerofly SF area.

  • That is right. The KOAR VOR 11 approach uses the Salinas VOR/DME and the Munso NDB and has a minimum descent hight of 543 feet above ground which allows some nice groping through the murk with only flying skill and slightly vague clues to help. It is currently a little hard to spot with minimum visibility but a subtle sharpening of the local texture would help.
    Marina has PAPI visual glide slope lights, could PAPI, abbreviated PAPI or VASI lights feature in the future? Another mobile sim has them but they are largely drowned out by their bright runway lights.