Very low framerate in Zurich with Airbus (A320, A380) iphone 5S

  • Just tested on my iPad mini 4. Both aircraft seem smooth around Zurich to me. That is with graphic settings up high and limit framerate turned on. I haven't tested this on the iPhone 5s but Zurich appears a graphically intense airport and I know the A380 is considered a highly detailed aircraft.

  • Smooth in an iPad mini 2, even flying low over the airport buildings.

    I did get a consistent 380 crash on the approach to Zurich 14 at 10 miles out. The weather was minimum cloud at high level, the visibility was one slider box width left of fully right/max visibility. Wind 15 kt from 150 degrees. The 380 always crashed the sim just as it crossed the River Rhine west of the big white quarry. It happened in a route in copilot, manual settings autopilot and in fully manual route or manual VOR navigating. Manual rudder and auto trim off was used. The iPad was freshly booted.

    The 380 is OK on the Zurich 16 approach.

    The 320 was OK on Zurich 14

    Edited 2 times, last by Overloaded (December 2, 2016 at 12:04 AM).