Is there a way or going to be a way to save flights for later.. ie: p3d or XP style? Currently there doesnt seem to be a way to do this?
Thanks in advance for any ideas or input
Is there a way or going to be a way to save flights for later.. ie: p3d or XP style? Currently there doesnt seem to be a way to do this?
Thanks in advance for any ideas or input
Currently only the position and speed of the aircraft when leaving the simulator is saved and restored on startup. Since its very easy to just put yourself somewhere on the map at the right altitude or on the ground there isn't that much need for it quite yet.
If you want to redo the landing then just open the "Location" dialog, click on the airport and then on the airplane symbol on final approach and the aircraft will be fully configured for land. If you click on the aircraft symbol on the runway you will be all set for takeoff. And if you place the aircraft somewhere on the map you will be in a clean configuration.
So what especially is missing to you? Would you like to save the location where you parked your aircraft, with the exact state of the panel as you left it? I would like that
Some are having some framerate issues (when compared to others) and being able to share exact situations and compare results on different machines might be informative as to what the issues might be.
For instance, a user with a computer equivalent to mine (actually slightly higher spec) is receiving less than a third of my fps within the rift (Hes getting 27fps!) but slightly higher in 2d
Yeah but the state of the aircraft has nearly no effect on the frame rate... Graphics card drivers and graphics settings in complex scenery on the other hand have a huge effect...
Cumulus clouds have a big impact on the performance, ensure the settings are the same to compare results!
I think you are misunderstanding. What we want to do is easily share situations so that we appear at the exact same world coordinates, then test using the same and varying graphics settings.
What Hiflyer asks for is that flights are recorded and saved as .flt.
Whenever he saves (e.g. F11) while in flying progress, he will be able to launch next time from exactly that point, respectively share this file with his friends.
That point includes everything: weather, flight settings, location, damages, etc.
FSX handled this with .WX and .FLT
But i agree with Jet-Pack. It would blow up the data.
I'm surprised it would be so hard. In Outerra, for instance, all you have to do is take a picture. Another Outerra user clicking on that picture is instantly transported to the same location/height/heading. (assuming the data has not been stripped by a picture host)
I think you are misunderstanding. What we want to do is easily share situations so that we appear at the exact same world coordinates, then test using the same and varying graphics settings.
Yeah but I don't get why you dont use the existing places where you can start at.
Saving a flight is a valid wish, and its not really hard to program and this feature will very likely come in the future. Right now I can't see that much use to it tough, later on it will be more interesting. (I don't make the decision to program such a feature tough :D)
Because starting on a runway doesn't push the system and starting over new york, how can I tell I'm in the exact same spot for valid comparison. It's not a priority request, I was just trying to help someone out, and then somebody else expressed an interest and I thought I would ask.
In addition to an exact starting flight scenario (Position, orientation, height, speed, aircraft configuration(flaps, gear, throttle, etc...), weather(cloud layers and densities, wind direction/strength), time of day,etc..) and which aircraft - for testing purposes, users like to have a filename for these starting points so they can easily restart with a filename choice window in that situation without it being written down on paper and a lot of mouse clicking. We also like to save the graphics and other simulation settings in a config file with a filename choice window with a complete list of all choices that we have saved.
We might end up after a few months with over 50 flight scenarios(e.g. "F-18_GrandCanyon_overRiver_400knots" and maybe 5 to 10 config files (e.g. "Medium_graphics_RenderScale1.4").
At this point the easiest solution to get same settings on two computers is just to exchange the main.mcf config file. It includes all the required settings, excluding your controller assignments. Beware however, that the screen resolutions might not be exchangeable.
Savable flight configurations are something we have already planned in a future update.