Flight of Pitts and Extra (of FS-2), in acrobatics.

  • Hello Jan

    Sequence of operations performed:

    1).- I changed the code from "false" to "true", just like you ask me.

    2).- I loaded the sim and with surprise the behavior is the same: the rudder continues coupled and moving with the ailerons.

    3).- I reset the sim, I reassigned the controls to the usual keys except the two keys corresponding to the rudder to see how it behaved. My surprise is that it was still coupled to the ailerons.

    4).- Now I assigned the rudder to the two custom keys, and the same effect: it moves synchronized with the ailerons.

    5).- I left the sim, and I went to the program (file "main.mcf.") And my surprise again, is that it had been switched to "false".

    6).- I turned off the PC, turned it on again, changed the file from "false" to "true"; I loaded the sim, I started a flight and I could verify that the rudder was still attached to the ailerons. I immediately left the sim, I went to see the file and it was back in "false".

    At the beginning, Jan, you told me that I had to switch from "true to false". Then we find out that it was already "false", and seeing this, you tell me to switch to "true", but ... it does not work either. Given this situation, it is clear that neither programmers are clear about this situation.

    Is this commutation normal according to the program rules of this sim?
    Regards: Delfin

  • Please do it right.


    Jans instruction must work. I have tried it. I can switch your problem back and forth, up and down, left and right. I mean it could be fixed without any problems.
    Just do it again very carefully. Change the right file and the right entry. Save it, be sure it is saved. Not that your file is read-only. And be 100% sure!!!11! that you haven't assigned both roll and yaw to the x-axis of your joystick.

  • ¡¡ CONGRATULATIONS, jk1895 !!

    Finally, ... IT WORKS !!

    Why did not work before now ?. Quite simply, because the change Jan asked me to make, was not correct and consequently, the rudder continued to malfunction. As I was asked I modified from "false" to "true", but in the second line of code. Only in Jan's last communication with me, I changed the line (the first one you write, and I did not). I kept thinking it was the same. That was my mistake in replacing false with true. I apologize for this mistake.

    <[Bool] [controls_use_rudder] [true]>
    <[Bool] [controls_use_rudder_assist] [false]>

    When comparing them with the "printed list" I had made, I checked the difference with my list: the "true" of the end of your line (I had "false" = the program had false), was the key that allowed me to suppose that was the solution. I made the change and ... IT WORKED !!.

    I was indicated to change in the line that I indicate with the Nº 1 of "false" to "true", when the change was necessary, but in the previous line that I marked with Nº2

    I repeat: the first line was the key for me to see it.

    Finally, a problem more resolved. Special thanks to you, Jan; I suppose it is very difficult (even being programmer) to know exactly which concrete command of a particular line performs a concrete function. You, from the beginning, have made a continuous effort to solve this problem. My special thanks to your effort.

    Also you, Cav. You have also made your contribution, although you intended to assign that function to rudder, which is very logical, since most pilots, so do. But for a long time, I had it assigned to two keys, and I intended to continue.

    And finally, you, "jk1895". You, that with your contribution, (these two lines of code, and your conclusive sentence: "Please, do it right !"), have been the cause of my vision where the "false" had to be changed, "true ". Also for your effort, thank you very much.

    Kind regards : Delfin

  • Might this also be the reason why I find the Extra 300 so mild in prop effects during takeoff, and inflight ?

    Takeoff run with engine set to normal takeoff thrust requires practically no rudder to stay on course and steer up to rotation speed, and inflight power changes translate mostly into roll, on practically all prop aircraft in AEFS2, there being prcatcally no hints of yaw / sideslip.

    The "ball" in the C172 stays pretty much centered all of the time, from takeoff to high power climb. Roll is most noticeable effect, requiring yoke to counter, but when wings are level, the ball is centered ...

    These "features" remind me a lot of X-Plane pre torque-bug fix ( thx to Murmur's proof of inconsistency :) )

    Tried to play with some config file settings for prop and propwash, but no great results....

    Main Simulation Rig:

    Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

    Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

  • The Extra doesn't require a huge amount of rudder on takeoff IRL as it has a massively powerful rudder but I believe the turn slip indicator on the extra and Cessna are nowhere near sensitive enough as I can yaw the aircraft quite a lot with only little effect on the ball.

    AFFS2 Needs Multiplayer - Please make it happen!

  • The Extra doesn't require a huge amount of rudder on takeoff IRL as it has a massively powerful rudder but I believe the turn slip indicator on the extra and Cessna are nowhere near sensitive enough as I can yaw the aircraft quite a lot with only little effect on the ball.

    Yep, that can also account for it.

    Main Simulation Rig:

    Ryzen 5600x, 32GB RAM, Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti, 1 TB & 500 GB M.2 nvme drives, Win11.

    Lenovo TB310FU 9,5" Tablet for Navigraph and some available external FMCs or AVITABs

  • I can not help you in your problems jcomm. I can only say that in my sim FS 2, both the Extra 330 and the Pitts, work really badly, especially in the takeoff. The Extra can take it off, but the Pitts ... impossible !!. Anyway, I admit the possibility, that the difficulty in flying well, is in my PC (that does not have the suitable processing power for these two airplanes). So, when I want to fly these two acrobatics, I fly them in FS-1 , Which fly great.

    Sometimes I start a pich, I continue to fall vertically and when I want to recover horizontal flight, does not obey or do very badly, I usually end up crashing against the ground. This happens especially with the Extra.

    That said, I also especially tell Jan and Jeff not to waste a minute of their valuable time, to give me probable (only probable) solutions to improve the flight of the two acrobatics mentioned, because the problem could be in my PC .

    The other planes and without going to evaluate certain flight trends, (like the "P-38 Lighting"), I think they work quite well and I am very satisfied with this "FS 2" and ... very, very satisfied with The "FS-1" !.

    Regards : Delfin

  • I don't think it's impossible to do even with rudder... It's not easy with rudder either. You can't just hold the rudder until the nose points to the runway, you have to get the yaw motion going and let go of the rudder long before you reach straight again. Sometimes you even have to stop the yawing motion otherwise you will overshoot to the other side and start oscillating. Most people I've seen that failed to hold the pitts straight corrected for the first yaw motion to the left with right rudder but then failed to counteract that motion when the aircraft was aligned with the runway again, so the momentum got them yawing to the right, which they noticed too late, then they fed in full rudder to the left, overshooting the center again but much more quickly than last time, then they do a wheely and crash.
    So lesson is: tap the rudder just a bit and be prepared to stop the yawing though the desired straight direction. Just look at the speed the nose is moving and counteract that, don't just counteract the actual angle between the nose and center line.

    With pedals I barely move the rudder at all. Maybe 5% left and right for the pitts. But you have to act quick and right to prevent any pilot induced oscillations. The aircraft is very unstable on the ground due to its taildragger configuration. We'll probably rework the Pitts one day, so this issue might be reduced significantly then.


  • Hello, Jan:
    It was unnecessary to respond again to an insoluble problem with this PC.
    The details with which I must treat this Pitts on land I know them very well. I did acrobatics with the Pitts (but with the "REAL Pitts"), therefore, I have developed a certain sensitivity to know what to do, depending on the movements that the plane performs at all times: both on land and flying. Anyway, it's one thing to fly the real plane, and another the sim plane. Of course, the designers do everything humanly possible so that the behavior of the sim airplane, resembling the maximum, to the real airplane and that every day is closer.

    Both you and Cav. You told me that the "two acrobatics" fly practically the same in both FS 1 and FS 2. In my PC, there are "light years of difference in behavior", simply incomparable !, therefore only can be due to me PC (which I have repeatedly admitted).

    So Jan, thanks once again for your interest in solving all my issues, but in this case, the solution is not up to you, just depend on me. And it is not worth fighting over this Pitts, when I have it in the other sim, which flies very, very well.

    Regards: Delfin

  • Hello Cav
    Well, now they fly a little better, especially doing acrobatics. As you know, in many movements of the planes of command, the rudder is unnecessary, and thus, these maneuvers execute them better since previously, the rudder was operated simultaneously with the ailerons without being necessary, and that was an incorrect maneuver. But even so, what continues to do badly, is the takeoff, especially the Pitts.
    Cav ... thanks for everything, but in relation to these two aircrafts: CASE CLOSED!

    Regards: Delfin

  • Hello Cav
    Well, now they fly a little better, especially doing acrobatics. As you know, in many movements of the planes of command, the rudder is unnecessary, and thus, these maneuvers execute them better since previously, the rudder was operated simultaneously with the ailerons without being necessary, and that was an incorrect maneuver. But even so, what continues to do badly, is the takeoff, especially the Pitts.
    Cav ... thanks for everything, but in relation to these two aircrafts: CASE CLOSED!

    Regards: Delfin

    Keep the tail on the ground up to 60kt then lift it will be stable then.