I do wonder though how some of the error/bugs got through to the final release... Like that sound loop bug...!
Well, here is how "I" see it.
They could have fixed every tiny thing...but it would take a long long time. And some things, such as the sound tick, do not show for everyone ( I can not hear it on my installation, with my computer for example, although clearly others can). I can say with all honesty that they made a lot of effort, and I am pretty certain ( as Beta testers we only hear an outside message, not the inside discussions) that they did delay release at least once when we came up with more things to address. I can also say that what was released was SUBSTANTIALLY better than the first Beta test. This is not to criticize the initial Beta, this is to point out the time and energy that they put into making it as good as possible before public release.
I can also say that having been a part of flight sims since the early '90s, and been a 'tweaker' of all of them, I can say that AeroFly is by far the most challenging to work with, and I am sure that with this being JustFlight's first Aerofly release, they may still be trying to work out exactly how to handle some of the more minor items, that were easy in the FS franchise, but are much more challenging with Aerofly.
Plus, remember that AeroFly is still a relative infant compared to the competition, and there are still some features that no matter how bad you want to fix them, there is still currently no fix available.
Bottom line...in my book, as a first release on a new platform, JustFlight did an AWESOME job!!! And I, for one, am 'loving' this bird.
Me too.