Posts by Pokredde

    I do have the same issue ther is not a .msi or .exe file.

    I can "File Mail" it to you if you give me a working email address please, if that's any help to you?............................... Cheers Michael.

    Got a link from TomSimMuc :)

    A handy tool list LINK

    Definitely a keeper - thank you

    Hello Pokredde,

    please see the direct link to the msi file here:

    THANK YOU :)

    Thank you all for your help.

    I guess I must give it another go.


    I recommend you try Nick’s AutoScenery for making your personal copy of Denmark scenery and then add the airports using fsCloudPort. Both of these are easy to use with a little help from your friends here at the forum.



    Where do I find Nick's AutoScenery?

    Ahh, foundt it when searching for Aero Scenery 👍

    It is indeed strange. We pay the creation of such pictures with our tax but need to pay again, if we want to use them. ;)

    Easy access download for OSM Source Data:

    Use this for input into scenProc. You can find nice scripts for this tool here in the forum.

    Downloaded now - thanks :)

    I know :-/

    So official sharing is not an option.


    I'm wondering if anyone in here have made Denmark with cultivation?

    I already have a big part of Denmark. Unfortunatly in pretty low quality an it's lacking airports and cultivation.

    I have tried digging into it myself, but I don't have the computer skills 😵

    I have flown a handful of VFR flights over Denmark IRL and it would be amazing to try in AFS2 as well.

    Have you tried to assign two inputs for one axis? From my understanding this was added in the last few updates, hope that I'm not mistaken here

    Yes, and no mather what I try the axis/rudder goes all the way to one side int AFS2.

    Only combined axis checked in Logitech software (throttle/brake) seems to work in AFS2. But this results in a very stiff left rudder (brake) pedal due to Logitech G29 was meant for racing and not flying 🙂

    It would be nice for all racing pedal users to be able to assign the clutch and throttle (different axis), but I don't know how difficult it is to implement (if not already implemented). 😵

    Today it my daughters birthsday and our house will soon be filled with guests, but I will dig into it tomorrow 👍

    Thank you Jan and Kisvakond for your replies 🙂

    Oh, I forgot to mention, that the input Axis Stick number may vary on each computer/setup (hooking up the very same controllers on a different computer at home will result in different numbers). It's probably due to USB device enumeration sequence being something pretty much unpredictable. So if you have a working setup saved on a different computer/installation, you'll most probably have to try the number until you find the input stick that has your pedals and save again.


    This made all the difference. I chose "Stick 1" in UCR and suddenly the sliders moved :thumbup:

    It feels so much better with the clutch as left rudder!

    Thank you SO MUCH :)

    It suddently stopped working and I have used many hours trying to use the clutch.

    I feel like giving up and hope for an update that allow to use different axes in the future.

    Thank you Kisvakond for this detailed guide and all the time you have used to answer me 😀

    Yes, I had the exact same issues with the vJoy installer hanging at the end of the installation every time i tried. The only way I could end it was to restart the computer.

    I didn't see any movement in the output preview in UCR, but and thought the hanging installation could be the cause.

    After alot of attempts I gave up and deleted my question in this thread.

    Only combined axis and throttle/brake combination worked for me.

    But now I must give it yet another try and follow your guide above 👍

    Thank you!

    Thank you Jan for the insight 🙂

    I understand that you want the updates to work properly before releasing them.

    And I have total respect for that. So no rush 😀

    But nice to hear something about the R22.

    I'm really looking forward to get my hands on it when it's ready. It must be amazing in VR with pedals👍


    Yesterday I asked about some more frequent updates from the devs. Shortly after the thread was closed without a single chance of replying.

    I think it's important to include the community and keep them informed when the product still is being developed.

    Even if the progress is taking longer than expected. Maybe some status about the challenges you are facing with the updates should be shared?

    This way the community will feel involved in the exciting evolution of this sim and maybe they won't be asking questions about R22 ETA etc. all the time?

    Just my thoughts 🤔

    Please don't close this thread instantly?

    I hope this post will be received as positive as possible.

    It's been a while since the last update on the news blog?

    I'm checking at least once per day in hope of any news, and I suppose I'm not the only one 🙂

    I'm fully aware that the devs are working as hard and fast as possible, but some progress reports would be appreciated (maybe just some very short status more frequently?)


    I'm already having a great time enjoying VR in this amazing sim 👍

    Make sure you overclock the 9700K to nearly (or exactly) 5.0 Ghz (all or at least one core !) ! Also, what Nvidia driver set are you using? Maybe you can overclock the 2080 just a little as well.

    I will definitely consider it, but for know I guess it's not needed?

    (I have never overclocked before and the system is brand new (1 day old) :)


    I have just finished building my new PC and and in the process I didn't know which parts to choose.

    Now I just want to share my first experiences with FS2 performance to others who may be in the same situation.


    Everything set to ULTRA (shadows on insane) gives me 90fps most of the time and single drops to 45fps over complex scenery areas in Oculus Rift.

    I can't see any difference between Vulkan and OpenGL.

    Hardware in signature :):thumbup: