I have strange graphics in only one area. All around 'Area 51'. Everywhere else looks stunning and beautifully detailed. I don't see this on others posts so something is definitely wrong. I've updated graphics and totally reloaded the game and all the add ons, Still it stays the same. It almost looks like it tries to alias the textures but the textures are strangely blocky and look like they're over sharpened with every edge having a light and dark side. Any idea what's going on and how do I fix it. [Blocked Image: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/857227184331463394/CDF42982499BA51739DDF2E54E81561D8DCB68F9/]
Odd graphics only in one area.
- Official Post
I have the same issues, it's probably a bad image from the satellite.
You never know what happens around Area 51.
Perhaps the next step of terraforming?
[Blocked Image: http://www.smilies.4-user.de/include/Alien/smilie_alien_064.gif]
Area 51 has always been like that, as far as I know. I have wondered before about the seeming contradiction of hiding easter eggs in a (generally) very low resolution area......
- Official Post
Crazy stuff man
Thanks for the replys. I'll stop trying to fix it then and just put it down to alien terraforming as Rodeo said
Perhaps hi res pics are hard to get?
Yeah, Alien scramblers.