Just wanted to say this current build (2352905) is performing like a champ on my system. Keep up the great work!
Great, stable, smooth VR build
pkaser -
December 10, 2017 at 4:09 PM
- Official Post
Thank you for the report.
We will always try to further optimize performance moving forward as well.
The jumping while moving my head is gone, the general stutters have improved, but I am still getting the "swimming" windows inside of buildings in Chicago.
The stutters were by far the biggest issue, so this build is a significant improvement.
- Official Post
Yes, we know about the swimming buildings. It's a FPS thing. We will sort that out too eventually.
OK, how do I get the latest build? I do not see a beta option in Steam for AF2. I thought it was all automatic through steam. My version is showing 20171208. I updated my video drivers, went and flew. Seemed good for about 10 minutes, then went into puke inducing stuttering mode. LOL
Do I not have something set right in Steam to get the updates or something?
- Official Post
We erased the beta channel for now.
Your version shouldn't be stuttering now. Make sure that auto updates are on.
What version should be showing in the "About"? I am showing 20171208. Updates are set to high priority. I just flew a half hour ago, and it was stuttering bad.
I just want to make sure I am getting the latest build.
Duh.... Just realized that number was a build date....
Still not running the best though. Stutters worse than ever for me. Maybe some settings changed or something when I updated the video driver. Or it could be something else going on with my PC. I assume that since everyone else is having good luck with this build, it is something on my PC.
Well, not sure what you did, but it is basically unplayable for me now. Tried new drivers, new oculus home, old drivers and old oculus home, both are the same now. Stuttering bad. 3 days ago with the old drivers and pre-patch version I was running butter smooth.
Guess I will just give it a few days break until it is all figured out. I can't play it with the way it is now anyway.
Just an update. I was able to roll my computer back to the 12/6 update, then launch steam off line. This is with the old drivers and old Oculus home.
Runs as smooth as silk. Not a jump or stutter in sight.
With the same 12/6 version with new video drivers, I start to get the stutter.
Unfortunately the 12/8 update that was supposed to fix the stutters, stutters bad with any configuration, new drivers, old drivers, new home, old home... So I am not sure what is going on.
For now, I will run FS2 off line so that it does not update. It looks like there may be an edit to one of the steam files to keep it from updating. I will look into that as well.
Yeah, it's still not as it used to be. I've lost the stutters I had with the most recent fix. So I can play without throwing up. Though I now get jumps, like the view stops for a moment before catching up.
Yeah, it's still not as it used to be. I've lost the stutters I had with the most recent fix. So I can play without throwing up. Though I now get jumps, like the view stops for a moment before catching up.
I too get jumps fps drops down to 45 then back to 90 at various part of the flight depending how complex the scenery is if I turn the render scale down to 1 this makes a slight difference but I used to run this sim with a render scale of 2 with no problems even tried running my 1080 overclocked but there is no improvement.
- Official Post
We are still researching the problems related to shimmering and performance. Please be patient. If there is something going on that we can actually control we will work to resolve it.