i found the problem...

  • looks like my original thread was deleted regarding not being able to run fs in oculus rift.

    the problem was that the geforce video card update changed the settings back to "choose your own video card". I changed it back to force everything to run on the geforce and now have a screen in the rift.


  • Sorry for the rough start here.

    You didn't give me much time to sort this out for you.

    I suggest that you take some time to review our wiki HERE

    There is a very good community here so if you have any questions or problems feel free to post on here, and welcome to our Aerofly FS 2 community

    IPACS Development Team Member

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  • Jeff,

    I'm a computer engineer so it's not like I'm new to this stuff, but as you know after 6 hours or so of trying various "things" and getting nowhere will get you a bit frustrated. Especially when you think everything on your end is correct. Luckily I rechecked the Geforce settings and saw that the update reset the default card settings back to "pick your own" which as you know is either the intel onboard chipset or the geforce.

    I've only run the game about 20 minutes but have a few beginners comments.

    Using the rift controllers is nice, but.... the only feedback you get is visual. And as we both know it's impossible to get force feed back from the rift controllers.

    I read the FS wiki before I bought the FS. I also know you can use the thumbstick in place of the "grab" yoke gesture.

    Does it make sense to have a "grab and forget" yoke option? i.e. once you grab it you can move the controller to a comfortable position and still keep on flying?

    I am able to assign extend and retract flaps to different joystick buttons, but I am not able to click on the "Up" side of the gear button setting. The only option it will give me is a "down" assignment.

    Thanks for the help!


  • Using the rift controllers is nice, but.... the only feedback you get is visual. And as we both know it's impossible to get force feed back from the rift controllers.

    Fred, something may still not be fully functioning for you. My Occulus Rift touch controllers do indeed provide haptic vibration feedback in Aerofly, not just visual hands. I think I saw a thread on the forums discussing the matter and other users who initially had problems but resolved it. Sorry, I didn’t yet find the thread to link for you - may have been on Steam discussion post.

  • Sometimes it's the small things that everyone overlooks :)

    I do suggest that you read the instructions about motion control in our wiki; with a little bit of practice you will see that it all feels natural.

    Also, the Oculus Touch controllers (and now Vive) have haptic feedback

    The additional (analog stick) controls are meant for a second means for users when their arms get tired as well as for flying in a view other than 'pilot'

    I do hope that you give Aerofly time and please understand that we are still developing and have many more features left to implement so we aren't done yet.

    As for the controller assignments gear is a toggle only setting now so assigning one button for it operates both up and down. We had to make some changes to controller actions due to the complex integration of the motion controls and improved mouse control.

    IPACS Development Team Member

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  • I've read the wiki concerning controls and VR at least twice now. I see no mention of haptic feedback.

    I also don't recall ever feeling any vibrations in the rift controllers. Including crashes. My rift controllers haptic feedback does work with other games.

    I have looked in the Wiki for a setting to turn on haptic VR feedback. Is there a setting somewhere that I'm not seeing?

    What type of events will trigger haptic feedback?

  • Haptic feedback is built right into our code for motion controllers and it's confirmed working with Oculus Touch and Vive controllers. In the latest patch we added the support for Vive feedback recently, we also made it more intense as we felt (through community feedback) that it was too weak. You should feel it whenever you touch the menu, flicking switches, pushing buttons, etc.

    The feedback is actually mentioned many times in the wiki under Virtual Reality as well as in the changelog also in the wiki.

    IPACS Development Team Member

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  • What exactly are you trying to get at here? It's not mentioned in those exact terms. I added a marketing feel to the release notes and instructions with words like 'you can feel it' etc.

    IPACS Development Team Member

    I'm just a cook, I don't own the restaurant.
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  • Jeff,

    Like I said before, I'm an engineer...

    You said three posts back: "The feedback is actually mentioned many times in the wiki under Virtual Reality..."

    It is not mentioned in the wiki. At least not the Wiki I'm reading.

    Ok, not trying to get in an argument but I am trying to figure out the FS.

    I just started the FS up and I can feel a very weak vibration when I press a menu button such as "Start", "Settings", "Back" etc.

    IMHO The vibration needs to be turned up stronger.

    I also flew the twin Baron into a stall and then dove it into the ground at 300 knots and felt no vibration in the controllers.

  • There is no feedback bound to crashes. This is a good idea though. we will look into that.

    We just increased the vibration in the latest patch. I just want to confirm, you are running version correct? I do agree though, it could be a little bit stronger still...

    As for the wiki, I'm not spending any more time on this subject, I wrote the entire wiki so I know it's written in there; just not in the exact words that you are seeking.

    IPACS Development Team Member

    I'm just a cook, I don't own the restaurant.
    On behalf of Torsten, Marc, and the rest of the IPACS team, we would all like to thank you for your continued support.



  • Let me first say that the VR hands work very well.

    Let me also suggest that the strength of the haptic feed back not be hard coded and that you insert a "Haptic Strength" setting that the user can adjust since everyone feels things differently.

    Rome wasn't built in a day. However it would be nice to feel stall shakers, control surface flutters, crashes, etc as a haptic feedback.

    Don't worry, be happy!

  • Let me first say that the VR hands work very well.

    Let me also suggest that the strength of the haptic feed back not be hard coded and that you insert a "Haptic Strength" setting that the user can adjust since everyone feels things differently.

    Rome wasn't built in a day. However it would be nice to feel stall shakers, control surface flutters, crashes, etc as a haptic feedback.

    Don't worry, be happy!

    When making the VR motion control feature we did not use SDK from neither Oculus nor HTC, we wrote our own VR Hands code in order to make a feature universal so that the same code can be used and updated easier.

    The one thing that we are trying to do differently compared to the other flight simulators out there is we don't want our users spending a ton of time messing with settings and making under the hood adjustments, we also want a simple to use interface with limited settings so that casual flyers can also just pick this up and start flying.

    We will look at the additional items that should have haptic feedback and try to implement them in a future update.

    IPACS Development Team Member

    I'm just a cook, I don't own the restaurant.
    On behalf of Torsten, Marc, and the rest of the IPACS team, we would all like to thank you for your continued support.



  • PS: Yes I am running the latest version. Do you ever sleep?

    Lol. I pretty much work 7 days a week between my OTHER full time job as a CIO and this. The latter working somewhere around 16 hours a day, every day if you include being on our forums and monitoring others that aren't directly our forums. Plus testing, marketing, updating the wiki and user manuals, support, etc...

    IPACS Development Team Member

    I'm just a cook, I don't own the restaurant.
    On behalf of Torsten, Marc, and the rest of the IPACS team, we would all like to thank you for your continued support.

