How much do polygons eat up performance in Aerofly FS2? When I ask about polys I mean what is a limit for say a hangar, 1000, 10,000, 100 polys? Reason I ask is because I would feel really stupid creating buildings that cant even run in the simulator or getting 10fps when it would rather be 60fps because of double the polys.
I am not sure how anyone would answer this though, basically 10 years ago 10,000 polys for a game character was cutting edge, now it is millions, what about flight sim? Or is this mostly to do with hardware? All I know is that I need to try to work with the least amount I can but who knows what that actually is...
Here is a building I am working on:
The building when I am done will have around 300 polys. From looking at many Orbx airports I can guess they have close to the same or less on their buildings. Basically if I have 20 buildings with 500 polys how much of a performance hit would there be if any?