Hello everybody! I want to ask, is there plans to animate levers of starting engines, they are situated near throttle? And had ever anybody made livery of Aeroflot - Russian Airlines for A320?
Best regards,
Hello everybody! I want to ask, is there plans to animate levers of starting engines, they are situated near throttle? And had ever anybody made livery of Aeroflot - Russian Airlines for A320?
Best regards,
The levers are already animated, in all aircraft for that matter. We decided to disable the engine levers that dont yet shut down the engine.
If you want to, you can edit the controls.tmd file and remove the comment // before the engine start switches.
Just make sure to start the apu or connect gnd power or you might just cut all power...
The levers are already animated, in all aircraft for that matter. We decided to disable the engine levers that dont yet shut down the engine.
If you want to, you can edit the controls.tmd file and remove the comment // before the engine start switches.
Just make sure to start the apu or connect gnd power or you might just cut all power...
Thank you I will try to make it:)
So, I need to delete this:
// <[control_input][LeftEngineMasterSwitch][]
// <[uint32][InputID][LeftEngineMasterSwitch.Output]>
// <[float64][Scaling][-0.6]>
// >
// <[control_rotation][LeftEngineMasterSwitchTransform][]
// <[string8][Input][LeftEngineMasterSwitch.Output]>
// <[tmvector3d][Axis][0.0 -1.0 0.0]>
// <[tmvector3d][Pivot][12.3203 0.0253 -0.6976]>
// >
// <[control_box][LeftEngineMaster][27]
// <[string8][Type][switch toggle]>
// <[vector3_float64][R0][12.309 0.025 -0.678]>
// <[matrix3_float64][B0][ 0.819152 0.000000 0.573576 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 -0.573576 0.000000 0.819152 ]>
// <[string8][InputTransform][LeftEngineMasterSwitchTransform.Output]>
// <[control_message][OnStep][]
// <[string8][Message][Controls.Engines.EngineMaster1]>
// <[string8][Qualifiers][step]>
// <[float64][Value][1.0]>
// >
// <[vector3_float64][Dimensions][0.02 0.02 0.025]>
// >
// <[control_input][RightEngineMasterSwitch][]
// <[uint32][InputID][RightEngineMasterSwitch.Output]>
// <[float64][Scaling][-0.6]>
// >
// <[control_rotation][RightEngineMasterSwitchTransform][]
// <[string8][Input][RightEngineMasterSwitch.Output]>
// <[tmvector3d][Axis][0.0 -1.0 0.0]>
// <[tmvector3d][Pivot][12.3204 -0.0258 -0.6976]>
// >
// <[control_box][RightEngineMaster][28]
// <[string8][Type][switch toggle]>
// <[vector3_float64][R0][12.309 -0.026 -0.678]>
// <[matrix3_float64][B0][ 0.819152 0.000000 0.573576 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 -0.573576 0.000000 0.819152 ]>
// <[string8][InputTransform][RightEngineMasterSwitchTransform.Output]>
// <[control_message][OnStep][]
// <[string8][Message][Controls.Engines.EngineMaster2]>
// <[string8][Qualifiers][step]>
// <[float64][Value][1.0]>
// >
// <[vector3_float64][Dimensions][0.02 0.02 0.025]>
// >
And one more question: is it possible to open doors in A320?
And one more question: is it possible to open doors in A320?
In the A320 the window opens by sliding it back:
And you can open doors when you can reach them....
Not delete the section, just remove the // in front of each line.
And you can open doors when you can reach them....
Not delete the section, just remove the // in front of each line.
So, you say, that when I reach the passenger and cargo door of airplane, I will be able to open?
Thank you very much, the levers of starting engines are working One more question how can I make cold and dark mode for A320's cockpit?
I wanted to say that when I move around the cockpit, for some reason I can not go to the cabin, there are restrictions in the movement And in MCDU I can't use function of DIR to the point, how can I solve this problem? Is there plans to make:
real weather?
ground handling?
animated autogate?
Thank very much, for your help
In the A320 the window opens by sliding it back:
I say about cargo and passenger door
initializing the plane to cold and dark is not a feature yet.
The direct to is also not working yet, since the route can't yet be edited from within the cockpit.
There are a lot of ideas we have collected, all of that you have mentioned has already been mentioned by other users or crossed our minds. We can't make it appear magically, each feature takes time to implement but we continue improving Aerofly with each day.
Every new update is improving the A320. You guys are doing a great job!
initializing the plane to cold and dark is not a feature yet.
The direct to is also not working yet, since the route can't yet be edited from within the cockpit.
There are a lot of ideas we have collected, all of that you have mentioned has already been mentioned by other users or crossed our minds. We can't make it appear magically, each feature takes time to implement but we continue improving Aerofly with each day.
I understand, okey Thank you
Good day everyone,I would like to know if you experienced the strange behavior of the PA on 737 who disengage himself during the flight. I noticed the same on the Dash.
Thanks for your feedback.
I think you meant AP not PA...
The autopilot disengages when you fly too fast, when you fly too slow or too low, when you move the inputs and on other occasions. But if you keep the speed within the limits it's usually fine. Just remember to retract flaps or extend flaps as you increase or decrease speed and it should be fine.
Thanks Jan
Yes, sorry I meant AP (PA is in French).
But you certainly are right giving me those reasons, but in my case I don't think that this should be applied to what I noticed. But I will be careful next flight and will let you know.
Thanks regards