Things to make improve Aerofly...

  • Hi i have a very awesome idea for future update will we eventually get some of the Apollo and space shuttle free flight that would be awesome or maybe even the x-15 space plane that would be perfect for the Edwards Air Force base so what do you think of these ideas

    Hi i have a question can we get full night lighting everywhere and not just in airports and major cities thanks best regards

  • I have a few suggestions to improve Aerofly.

    1) Live skies/multiplayer. I think it would make Aerofly better as I get lonely flying around the West Coast of America.

    2) ATC. I saw on other threads that ATC is hard to program, but I think it would make flying on Aerofly even more realistic. Infinite Flight also have it.

    3) Global. Infinite flight has global and I think Aerofly should also have it, as I sometimes feel that the area is too small. Even if it is just regions, I would like more areas to fly in.

    4) More planes. I would like more aircraft like Airbus and more Boeings. Maybe also the Antonnov AN 225?

    I have realised this is a lot, but I think it would vastly improve Aerofly.