Opinions and suggestions

  • Given that you are the most demonstrative and complete flight simulator for mobile devices, I would like to offer you some suggestions with modesty.

    Yesterday I flew with the A320 from KSAN to KDEN.

    I set the route reporting the SID and STAR procedures taken directly from the CHART: SID, TRANSITION ROUTE, ARRIVAL ROUTE, STAR. Many WAYPOINTS are not present in the simulator and I had to go and add them manually trying to be as precise as possible. Question: is it possible to implement the insertion of WAYPOINTS in the simulator using geographic coordinates and maybe even rename them? In this way it would be much easier to identify the exact point. It would also be very useful if the real SIDs and STARs with related TRANSITIONs were already inserted in the simulator and choose them according to needs via FMC, or MCDU, or from the NAVIGATION map.

    Finally, before I could land at KDEN my A320 i ran out of FUEL but continued to fly quietly, (obviously not very realistic!). Another question: in the future could we have the possibility of being able to choose the quantity of FUEL to be loaded on the plane?

    Ahh, I forgot: when you land it would be nice to feel the "backlash" of the wheels that touch the runway. At present it is too "soft".

    Excuse me but I am a very meticulous PPL pilots and I like to see "my simulator" grow and become more and more realistic.



  • We plan on overhauling the route at some point, which would mean adding SIDs and STARs and airways from the navigation dialog as well as through the MCDU. This is not the main focus at the moment though.

    Regarding fuel: yes that is something we would like to add, as well as engines that also stop when you eventually do run out of gas.

  • About the curves of the flight plan. Firstly it’s so cool. But they are too ample I think. But it’s cool and you are the only one to do it like this on iPad. It’s sexy

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