Ok, here we go.... :)
Ok Schnuffelduffel, have you the missing image-tiles for the Suisse-Italy and Austria-Italy border regio's ready to upload?
It will be a pleasure to fly borderless in full HD quality over the majority of the Alps.
Ladys and Gentleman, i'm proud to present: The ALPS!
I have closed the ugly hole between IPACS Switzerland, Bella Italia, Austria, France and Germany in professional, seamless quality.
Here a little samples from my work, but first for the newbies one from my favourite pics from Google ( this is, what you get, if you downloaded Sattelitpics) :
Ok, the shocking moment is over - here some samples from my work.
First, the Overview about Part 1 from "The Alps":
Here now the Samples:
Before ( IPACS original ) and after with my extension :
Switzerland North, Altenrhein ( before ) :
Here are some screenshots showing the border, how I merge my and IPACS landscape:
the Border:
Another Border-Sample:
If i finished this thread, i will start the upload - but i have something before to say:
What I am delivering here cannot be taken for granted. You get here the maybe most wanted professional Addon to IPACS Switzerland. It was really, really hard work and I lost some of my eyesight in the process.
With this dreamlike Addon you can fly seamless to Italy, France, Austria and Germany. The finaly Alps-Project includes complete Austria, a liitle Part of Germany, the rest of North-Italy and the complete Alps in France.
But, should i give this all for free?...
Hope you like it and will give a big or bigger donation for my work
Ich mach das hier nicht zum Spaß, Freunde der Nacht
Wenn ich das nicht gemacht hätte, hätte das überhaupt keiner gemacht! Das waren jetzt mehrere Monate Arbeit in Vollzeit von früh bis spät bei ca. 70 h / Woche!
Hope, you like it!
Hallo Schnuffelduffel,
Als ich heute früh hier im Forum vorbeischaute, lachte mir Dein Alpen-Projekt entgegen. Ich habe es mir gleich runtergeladen, hatte jetzt aber nur kurz Zeit, einmal hineinzuschauen - vor allem in die Grenzregionen Genf und Altenrhein. Du hast eine fantastische Arbeit gemacht! Tausend Dank! Das wertet die Schweiz enorm auf und erweitert vor allem nun auch die Sichtflugattraktivität in Richtung Austria, France und Italy ganz enorm! Da hast Du uns allen einen unglaublich tollen Gefallen getan. Dass da unbeschreiblich viel Arbeit hinter steckt, kann ich mir lebhaft vorstellen. Ganz sicher hast Du Dir einen Orden von IPACS verdient, zumal Du das alles auch noch kostenfrei anbietest! Klar gibt's trotzdem was via Paypal. Nochmal: Danke, danke, danke!
Hallo Schnuffelduffel,
Als ich heute früh hier im Forum vorbeischaute, lachte mir Dein Alpen-Projekt entgegen. Ich habe es mir gleich runtergeladen, .....................
Moin Heideflieger.
Darf ich mal nachfragen, wo ich diese interessante Szenerie mir runterlagen kann? Habe ich da eine wichtige Information vielleicht überlesen?
Gruß Dieter
Danke für den Hinweis!
Hello, after installing the new alps-scenerie from Schnuffelduffel I've a problem with the mesh near the Lago Maggiore. Suddenly there's a big difference in the height. I would be very thankfull, if someone can send me the mesh (19m, by abbiati50?). So I can try to repair my files. I can't find it in flight-sim.org.
Thank you!
Thx and very well done but... there is still a gap in the mentioned Alps region Austria-Italy-Swiss . The west part of LOWI toward the Bodensee is still low-res after the Zugspitse (Imst-Fernpass-Reutte) and toward Italy following the Brenner autobahn and over the stubaital/gletscher to Trentino is also low-res. I hope this will also get fixed and I'm wondering why nobody fixed already the Gap to the East and/or South East after LOWI and following the Inntal.
My compliments to Schnuffelduffel for all the effort and keep up the good work...
Yes, download the complement of scenery between France and Switzerland in flight sim org
Hello, after installing the new alps-scenerie from Schnuffelduffel I've a problem with the mesh near the Lago Maggiore. Suddenly there's a big difference in the height. I would be very thankfull, if someone can send me the mesh (19m, by abbiati50?). So I can try to repair my files. I can't find it in flight-sim.org.
Thank you!
Auf die Schnelle: Ich glaube, ich hatte das "Abbiati50-Höhen-Mesh" mit im Italienpack 01?
Thx and very well done but... there is still a gap in the mentioned Alps region Austria-Italy-Swiss . The west part of LOWI toward the Bodensee is still low-res after the Zugspitse (Imst-Fernpass-Reutte) and toward Italy following the Brenner autobahn and over the stubaital/gletscher to Trentino is also low-res. I hope this will also get fixed and I'm wondering why nobody fixed already the Gap to the East and/or South East after LOWI and following the Inntal.
My compliments to Schnuffelduffel for all the effort and keep up the good work...
Look closer to this overview!
What you looking for, will come with part 2 with complete Austria. The four tiles around Insbruck will come in 1m/pixel.
( includes Zugspitze )
That is great news, I was in doubt over that because your update Bella Italia for The Alps was in 2 zip files so my interpretation was already update part 1 and 2 so I will wait for it.
Thx again and keep up the good work.
Auf die Schnelle: Ich glaube, ich hatte das "Abbiati50-Höhen-Mesh" mit im Italienpack 01?
Leider ist es nicht dabei...
Ich pack's grade zusammen und schick Dir gleich per PN den Direktlink
Will the coverage via Pt2 in Austria-Tirol area be compatible with the Innsbruck-LOWI Add from Orbx who also include a relative large area around
the airport itself?
Will the coverage via Pt2 in Austria-Tirol area be compatible with the Innsbruck-LOWI Add from Orbx who also include a relative large area around
the airport itself?
Yes and no. I was unable to mask ORBX's Orthos. That's why I deliver (larger than ORBX) 4 tiles around Insbruck in a restored resolution of 1m / pixel and nobody has to cry.
All everyone has to do is just completely erase the ORBX images. There is no other way. And maybe it looks even better.
WARNING! Concerns all those who have the Swiss DLC, unfortunately this cultivation fr03 is not compatible. All buildings in Geneva overlap with those of IPACS, including the airport?
Too bad because this cultivation of buildings is really very pretty
Yes it is my question too