• It would be awesome to have global flight. The only feasible solution I can see is streaming scenery data from a server via a download.

    The developers can provide users with 2 streaming options.

    Option 1 is to stream satellite imagery of the terrain and 3D structures at airports only.

    This would be the quickest download and smallest memory wise. If most flight will be performed at high altitudes, this would certainly be sufficient.

    Option 2 is to stream satellite imagery of the terrain and all 3D structures for an area (airports, cities and landmarks. Level of detail we have currently).

    This would be the largest amount of data to stream and would provide the most detail. This would be best for folks flying at low altitudes, VFR flying and/or flying helicopters in a city environment.

    Real world weather would also be an awesome addition.

    Just some ideas. Keep up the great work!

  • I think we will have multi-players first. My thought are based on a remark of Jet-Pack (IPACS) (if I remember well), which was that IPACS made the actual traffic to accept other sources than AI Traffic. Once, about 2 kind of weathers (departure different than arrival), Jet-Pack (IPACS) awsered me something like, yes but what if we made real weather.

    And a few days ago, admin said about new updates that they are working on something new that it can't be a simply update, it would be a brand new version.

    This is why I think we'll have multi-players in the current regions (probably one or two more). Global flight would be still possible like it is possible today.

    I also think they will avoid scenery streaming because they would be forced to reduced hard the quality (bye bye the HiRes).

    And, in case of multi-players, the ND of the A320 will have to display traffic, of course.

    -- Madam Irma -- Clairvoyance & Augury

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiSS A319 A320neo A321/neo/LR/XLR | BetterPushback | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief/Navigraph | WebFMC

    Edited once, last by FrankLFRS (June 28, 2021 at 7:58 AM).

  • We're constantly working on new scenery behind the scenes for a better overall coverage. This includes many new regions in Europe as well.

    I'm not sure if streaming is the right solution for everyone, because some people would may like to fly while they are traveling or they have a bad internet connection in general or have a download limited connection. For that reason we may want to keep a downloadable region for the most important areas in the world and make streaming an optional addition.

    Airports tend to be quite small in size compared to high resolution ground images for the entire area around them. I could imagine that we could also add the most airports programmatically based on available databases. Then you'd have highly detailed airports everywhere and would just have to either stream images or download them in advance.



  • We're constantly working on new scenery behind the scenes for a better overall coverage. This includes many new regions in Europe as well.

    I'm not sure if streaming is the right solution for everyone, because some people would may like to fly while they are traveling or they have a bad internet connection in general or have a download limited connection. For that reason we may want to keep a downloadable region for the most important areas in the world and make streaming an optional addition.

    Airports tend to be quite small in size compared to high resolution ground images for the entire area around them. I could imagine that we could also add the most airports programmatically based on available databases. Then you'd have highly detailed airports everywhere and would just have to either stream images or download them in advance.

    I agree, I have a 512g cell phone and I am willing to provide a lot of memory usage for downloading game data