
  • I said I'd never get into flying airliners, but I was wrong. I have been mastering'ish the "Zen" of flying the A320. ;) I know, I know, I'm contradicting myself from an earlier post somewhere saying airliners are "yuk" or something to that end. But It's the simplest, most user friendly airliner out of all the others in this SIM........Well,........to me anyway. It's really not all that complicated to figure out and get off the ground and fly. I only use the auto-throttle, auto-pilot and VFR Map my way around from airport to airport. I don't use the navigation computer or auto-approach. I like the manual approach and landing manually and sometimes flying the whole route manually. It's just another plane to me, just bigger, lol. I guess you could say I bush plane fly the thing around, but the landing is my favorite part because of the challenge it presents. Only scrubbed 1 landing so far out of 1/2 a dozen or so.

    That said, IPACS you's have done an impeccable job modelling this thing and the way it handles and fly's, especially its glide capabilities. This thing doesn't want to land it just wants to fly and fly and fly. That's why its so much fun trying to get it down and land, you have to force it, to get it down out of the sky. I like it :) :thumbup:

  • Thanks, we appreciate the feedback. You have to fly airliners into the runway a bit. They carry a lot of energy and land at speeds 20% to 30% above stall speed, so they easily float on landing if you are not careful. I also enjoy flying the A320 manually from one airport to the next. That is by far the quickest way to learn to fly a new plane.



  • Their A320 is a killer feature.

    A few hours ago, I tried the A330 of XP12. I trashed XP12 immediately even though I was teased by other points.

    MacBook Pro | M1 Pro | Thrustmaster Airbus Captain Edition
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