Aerofly FS 2021 Mobile Version Now Available for iOS

  • This..this is just amazing! The fact that we have auto generated pc traffic is already a hit for me! I can't wait to test it out tomorrow after my biking tour. This update is just so amazing, thank you and the entire team for bringing this to us! <3

  • Will there be a new aircraft in one of the future updates?

  • Good morning gentlemen thank you for having a lot of information about aerofly my name is Leandro I am a Brazilian lover of virtual aviation Well I have a Samsung Note 9 Android phone very nice phone I have Aerofly 2021 installed when I simulate a cell phone I would like to know if this is a problem common Android or problem with my own cell phone? thanks sorry for the english i'm using google translator to be able to write these questions

  • Good morning gentlemen thank you for having a lot of information about aerofly my name is Leandro I am a Brazilian lover of virtual aviation Well I have a Samsung Note 9 Android phone very nice phone I have Aerofly 2021 installed when I simulate a cell phone I would like to know if this is a problem common Android or problem with my own cell phone? thanks sorry for the english i'm using google translator to be able to write these questions

    Not exactly sure what you mean, but how do you have Aerofly FS2021 on android? Its not even released on Android

  • Lol verdade desculpe, eu tenho a versão typo 2020

    Você irá baixar o Aerofly FS2021 no seu celular que pelo visto é recente, mas não precisa desinstalar a versão 2020, a menos que não haja espaço suficiente no seu celular





    A320 Test Pilot at Aerofly FS2!

    I7 8GB RAM GeForce NVIDIA 1660TI 6GB VRAM Graphics 4K .

    Edited once, last by Lucas Bravo (December 9, 2020 at 3:36 PM).