Aerofly FS 4 User Created Content

  • Good morning jetpack, I would like to know if all the scnery created by each user can be installed once we have the Aerofly fs4?

    I actually don't know either. Once Aerofly FS 4 is released I expect there will be new SDK Tools and new converters but I can't promise that yet. I also can't existing scenery works out of the box. Some things may be broken or are incompatible, I'm an aircraft guy not scenery guy.

    Many new features have been added to the scenery and it would be a shame if old airports are just left for dead and are not updated to the latest version by the users that created them. When it's not compatible out of the box they probably can be updated or converted to make full use of the latest features such as apron lighting without re-doing everything. Some user made airports also had animated air traffic which will now conflict with the new air-traffic simulation in Aerofly. And there is the usual inconsistency of file names being mixed upper and lower case which may prevent compatibility on Mac and Linux.

    IMO it would be best if each user created scenery is checked for errors in the tm.log and can then be verified by other users. A clean and error free updated version of the user made airport or scenery could then be uploaded and it's not much work for everyone involved.

  • I expect there will be new SDK Tools and new converters but I can't promise that yet.

    I'm looking forward to it! :) :thumbup:

    I hope there will be SDK tools with much better graphical user interface, for example X-Plane has World Editor and I really like that.

    In addition, Blender and SketchUp plugins would be very much needed. Also, I hope we don't have to use coding and plain text editors to make scenery, because these are very confusing and primitive.



    PC: Nvidia RTX 3070, AMD Ryzen 7 3700X, 16GB RAM, 4TB M.2 NVMe SSD

    Setup: Honeycomb Alpha Yoke, Logitech Extreme 3D Pro Joystick, Saitek Throttle and Virpil Controls VPC ACE Collection Rudder Pedals

    Phone: Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra 512 GB

    Flight Simulators: Aerofly FS 2, X-Plane 12 and MSFS 2020

    My Youtube Channel

  • I'm an aircraft guy not scenery guy.

    Hi, and about aircraft? I have some justflight addons. They will run directly on the new AFS4 or requires some updates? Its sad and a shame that many times when flightsims grows in version creating some incompatabilities, many devs because are in other projects, never update their addons to the new flight sim version.

    Also we have the hype factor, nowadays the fsx is fully abandoned, p3d 90% abandoned, and xp11 only the devs that develop only for xp create contents to it. All the hype now are on msfs... I hardly believe that Justflight will make any efford, not even an hour to adapt their addon from afs2 to v4 if it requires any effords.

  • I think the best flight sim is always the next one. Having said that and having been a user of the other sim since the "imminent" release of FS4 was announced back in November I can say that every major update on that sim has caused problems to some part or other. If you have time to spare look through some of their posts especially those concerning updates. Sorry to be pessimistic but I will be very surprised if add ons especially the old ORBX ones work out of the box with FS4. There is always hope though.

  • Hi, and about aircraft? I have some justflight addons. They will run directly on the new AFS4 or requires some updates? Its sad and a shame that many times when flightsims grows in version creating some incompatabilities, many devs because are in other projects, never update their addons to the new flight sim version.

    Aircraft files changed significantly and old FS 2 aircraft are not compatible out of the box but can be converted within minutes. I've already converted the Just Flight add-on aircraft on my side and they now work in Aerofly FS 4. But I don't know if they plan on releasing it as an add-on for Aerofly FS 4, I hope they do.

    We changed the aircraft files to make it easier for new developers to get started, we fixed inconsistencies in the parameter naming conventions, fixed mathematical inconsistencies (left hand rule vs. right hand rule) and added new aerodynamic wing and airfoil simulations. New features like the missions and flight log require more data from the aircraft, so additional sender objects are also required now to fully support these new features. There are also new files to set the correct gear and flap positions after using the new time-skip feature. And some very old user made add-on aircraft didn't yet have the cold and dark state option as well, so that might still be new for some devs.

  • We already mentioned in a previous thread that 3rd party sceneries and aircraft won't work out of the box. However 3rd party sceneries like airports and custom modelled scenery objects are not hard to convert, we will publish updated tools, once Aerofly FS 4 is out. Previous aerial images and elevation data is still compatible with Aerofly FS 4, so no conversion is required here.

  • Dear Jan,

    wow thats fantastic, its possible to create a some kind of converter? if its a some kind of adding some lines in files and change others. If i know what data to add/change and where, i could create a free tool for that. If its possible can I get a full list of what changes in detail to build that converter?

    Thank You

    Best regards