Where did you fly to today

  • I just spent a pleasant half an hour flying around Sacramento. From KMMM to KSAC via several circles around the city. Apart from seeing several very large buildings straddling highways it was a great scenic tour. I do not know if we will ever go to the US again but it is certainly one of my favourite places to visit. :)

  • I chanced on a floatplane operation driving along the shores of high Lake Tahoe on my first trip to the U.S. many decades ago. Their only pilot was off shopping, that was the nearest I got to personally flying in the States.

    I got an hour's dual/tourist floatplane flying in, nearly the full 12 hours home time difference to the south west a few days later. I recently 'revisited' the island in the new world scenery in Aerofly, the dense mangrove marshes on the shore came back in my memory and the 747's turn onto base leg just like in a Cessna 172. The nearby seaplane jetty was clearly identifiable in FS4.<3