Let's do Bavaria - and a bit more

  • Hi together, let me blog here a bit about my tryouts for Aerofly FS 2.

    First of all I just tried to put my aerobatic box into the sim, thinking this would be all I need. Then I come across all the possibilities AF2 offers. Hm...

    Where should the box be? Straubing... it's nearby and I have contact to Christoph Rieger, scenery designer from the good old FS9/FSX time to get my hands on objects to convert.

    But... Straubing would be in the pixel nirvana. So.... I need a local photo scenery. I done this bevor in other sims as well. Well... but... just a small airfield... and a lot of nothing around.

    Let's do Niederbayern.

    Already on a usable state: Photo scenery in detail level 11, small areas around the 14 airfields in detail level 15. Also the cultivation of the whole area is done. Already 4.5 GB productive data is on my hard drive.

    Next steps:

    - Fixing all the small errors on the photo scenery where I find clouds, smoke from power plants and planes painted on the ground at the airports.

    - Starting with the first airport Straubing (already two buildings and my aerobatic box in place.)

    Bad thing: It is already a great fun to discover the area: :evil:

    This is basically the area. (The boxes was to split the cultivation files. Don't give anything for it.)

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

    Edited once, last by flightxtreme (March 11, 2018 at 1:44 PM).

  • Sehr schön ... aber auch so "grünes Wasser" :) :)

    Die schöne blaue Donau war doch noch nie blau. :evil:

    Kurz: Google Maps bekomme ich nicht zum download - warum auch immer - und außerdem mag ich nicht die ganzen Inprints manuell retuschieren.

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • currently I am still thinking about the distribution of the cultivation files. Basically I have 12 at the moment, corresponding to the squares in the picture. So I like to add each file to an airport in that area, having a size parameter allowing the sim to load the target area early enough. Sadly I managed it only to display cultivation everywhere in the area, if I add all the files in one tsc airport file, having the pictures of the buildings in a subfolder of this one scenery. If I split the toc files the splittet cultivation is not displayed, even if the size in each tsc file is bigger than the whole scenery. Only the part left in the first area gets displayed. It doesn't matter if i copy the buildings or not. Strange.

    I like to archive to have the buildings located in a central area of the addon folders and the differently placed tsc files having different civilisations with a relatively short size parameter, so not the whole area needs to be loaded. Well, at the moment I don't get this working.

    The buildings are the one from the download with the scenery example.

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • Danke für die Tutorials, Videos und am meisten natürlich für den Aerofly FS 2. <3

    Thank you for all the tutorials, videos "Howto" and first of all for the Aerofly FS 2. <3

    Some statistics:

    Bäume/Trees: 11,031,864

    Lichter/Lights: 851,515

    Gebäude/Buildings: 994,371

    In sum: 12,877,750 cultivation items!

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • Some statistics:

    Bäume/Trees: 11,031,864

    Lichter/Lights: 851,515

    Gebäude/Buildings: 994,371

    In sum: 12,877,750 cultivation items!

    Oha, das ist aber richtig gross! 8|8|:thumbup:

    This is really large.

    Shall I send you an empty harddrive? ;):D


  • It's the end of my RAM. The Sim crash if I have an additional program open. ;)

    But I have not much, the laptop is 6 or 7 years old.

    I am waiting what IPACS will do with the cultivation. It makes no sense to make more until custom cultivations will have a better memory management.

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • ok, small interruption. My gracard doesn't want to work anymore after six years. A call of destiny, the new computer will allow Oculus Rift. ^^

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • I tried this setup and it is breath taking. For my kind of flying - aerobatics - Aerofly FS 2 together with the rift is just the best combination I can get for today.

    And I have no problem with the landing at all. I think it is around two times simpler than flying with a screen. Take of in a Pitts, Extra or Bücker is a bit difficult, something you have to train. You have to work with the rudder a lot, but in the right way corresponding to speed and throttle.

    And as real as it gets: If I f*** up a figure I get sick. <X  :P

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • I agree, I especially love flying in the Pitts in VR. It's a handful for sure, especially keeping it straight on takeoff and landing and preventing ground-loops, but the real plane is challenging in this way too. Do you have a set of rudder pedals? If not you should get some, they really enhance that sense of reality and immersion in VR :)

  • But sure I have Pedals. ;)

    Good moment to introduce me a bit.

    I had a break for two years from flight simulation but my first simulator was the C64 Flight Simulator 2. I really got started with the FS 2000, then FS 2002, FS9, FSX, XP 10, P3D. I designed the Dornier Greenland Whale, the 10t whale, the Dornier Libelle and an Extra 300L for the simulator, wrote article for the flight simulator magazines flightXpress and FS Magazine, organized approximately for 10 years the virtual aerobatic world championships, was once a speaker at an Aerosoft conference, presented at such an event a VR Solution at the time, the Oculus Rift was still in development.

    In real live I am working in the IT as a software architect for business solutions and my hobby is judging at real aerobatic competitions. 2015 I was judge at the world aerobatic championship in France.

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • But sure I have Pedals. ;)

    Good moment to introduce me a bit.

    I had a break for two years from flight simulation but my first simulator was the C64 Flight Simulator 2. I really got started with the FS 2000, then FS 2002, FS9, FSX, XP 10, P3D. I designed the Dornier Greenland Whale, the 10t whale, the Dornier Libelle and an Extra 300L for the simulator, wrote article for the flight simulator magazines flightXpress and FS Magazine, organized approximately for 10 years the virtual aerobatic world championships, was once a speaker at an Aerosoft conference, presented at such an event a VR Solution at the time, the Oculus Rift was still in development.

    In real live I am working in the IT as a software architect for business solutions and my hobby is judging at real aerobatic competitions. 2015 I was judge at the world aerobatic championship in France.

    Wow! That's quite a resume! With a history like that you probably have several sets of pedals I guess ^^ I'm glad to see people like you, with so much existing flight sim experience and obviously a passion for aviation, are part of the community here. Gives me even more hope for the future of Aerofly :thumbup:

  • I hope so, Aerofly is still the new kid in town and need to grow.

    I mean, the big old sims are great in complexity and system simulations. But in my opinion no other simulator comes closer to the reality in flight dynamic. Here you can really do spins, snap rolls, tail slides... positive and negative. You don't need to make it look like.

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • SInce I am still waiting for my new Alienware I do some convertation and stuff. Can not check if it is working, but I think so.

    Got my country in level 9 and 11 foto textures and the six tiles missing picture below, I already have all the airfields configured, including glider and ultra lights, cultivation and level 12 (wider area), 13 and 14 photo textures around the airfields. Everything is generated with FSET, GeoConvert Helper, worldgridcoords and scenproc. Of cause, no detailed specific models, only OSM data. Thank you guys, for the helpful tools.

    By the way... if you look into google maps you can find me. Below was the German aerobatic nationals in Gera and this is the judging position. I am sitting in front of the red tent, if you look very closely you can see me. ^^

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

    Edited once, last by flightxtreme (April 7, 2018 at 11:06 AM).

  • Let me explain a bit my current structure:

    The grid on the previous picture is a Level 9 Grid I put every data from one cell into one area-directory. So in one Level 9 folder I find around 6 to 10 airports.

    (this looks ok for me, since I will not build all the airfields and airports highly detailed. If I choose one for detailed work, it will separate it.)

    A level 10 grid provides the separation of my cultivation so I get four cultivation files in the area-directory.

    The cultivation files have 60 to 130 MByte size which should be manageable. The size of one cell is around 27 km so I use a display range of 50 km in the airport referencing the cultivation file. If one level 10 cell does not include an airfield I use a dummy airfield.

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

  • I am sitting in front of the red tent, if you look very closely you can see me. ^^

    Winke mal nach oben ! :) :)

    mfg, Jens ... Flight-Sim.org

    Mein Home-Cockpit ... My Simulator Hardware

    MSI PRO Z690-P DDR4 --- SI INTEL Core i7-13700F 2.1GHz LGA1700 Tray --- Palit RTX4070 JetStream 12GB DDR6 --- 16GB DDR4 PC4400 --- SSD Patriot 1TB M.2 Viper VP4300 --- Pimax Crystal

    Alles fliegt irgendwie,
    fragt sich nur wielange

  • Ok...

    (Picture removed because other persons where displayed as well.)

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower

    Edited 2 times, last by flightxtreme (May 1, 2018 at 5:44 PM).

  • Well, the contest was from Monday to Saturday. But still ... You can also find the aerobatic box on ground.

    Wish for Aerofly FS 2/4:

    - Flightpath recording on hard drive and replay in sim from different view points

    - Smoke for aerobatic planes

    - Multiplayer or at least watching other people flying sitting on ground or inside tower