First, before even getting started, I want to thank all those out there creating enhanced Cultivation for Aerofly and enriching immensely the world we fly in.
This post is not intended as a complaint, but to express a concern.
I find that as User created content proliferates, most especially scenery, The Aerofly documents/scenery and Documents/addons/scenery folder is becoming more and more indecipherable as each content creator lends their own contributions, with completely dissimilar naming conventions and locations.
Thus you end up with sceneries covering the same general areas residing in completely different folders with names that are not necessarily enlightening, which I believe will eventually end up in a complete mess unless some general rules are put in place.
My first thought was of having a seperate folder for each state, with sub-folders that are required to clearly lay out the intended coverage area, such as Documents/Aerofly FS 2/Addons/scenery/Usa/California/#
Or Documents/Aerofly FS 2/Europe/France/Paris/#
Essentially something that allows a user, months later to go into his scenery folder and have some idea of what the heck he or she is looking at, especially if they are looking to replace something.
Is it possible for Ipacs to state some guidelines, or what do the creators think would be good, if anything?