Hola! As a small tribute to Brunnobellics Asturias airport area ....

  • To me it looks like the origin of these objects is incorrect but they have been modeled to still be on the ground with the default mesh?

    To explain this again:

    If you use autoheight true then all objects are shifted up and down by the terrain mesh that is loaded. The object origin is moved up and down according to the elevation at that point. If your object origin is not underneath the object the same code is still executed so you are requesting the elevation somewhere else which probably isn't the same elevation underneath the main part of your object geometry.

    Multiple objects should remain as individual objects and should not be grouped together. Otherwise you will see some objects floating.

  • Make sure also all these objects are called by the same TSC file as the airport ground.

    If it's not the case, they'll use the underlying mesh for autoheight calculation.

    If you don't want to call these objects or xrefs from the airport TSC file then you should override autoheigt for these objects and set height manually in the placement.



    Config : i7 6900K - 20MB currently set at 3.20GHz, Cooling Noctua NH-U14S, Motherboard ASUS Rampage V Extreme U3.1, RAM HyperX Savage Black Edition 16GB DDR4 3000 MHz, Graphic Card Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 8GB, Power supply Corsair RM Series 850W, Windows 10 64 bit.

  • Hola Brunno Bellic

    This was Tomfa's question (yesterday):

    Colin, do you have a solution to repair files, as mentioned above thanks!

    The question was so unclear, that I assumed at first that it did not refer to LEST Airport. Then by this abbreviation "rwy" in your text, I figured it might be. I investigated the file, and it turned out to be the modified airport. Upon seeing it, I assure you that I disliked it.

    And this displeasure, it is possible that you also suffer, when reading this comment of your work very well done, but as you can see, (and I am very sincere), I liked that architecture much more before and with those colors than the current one .

    Those two buildings (terminals) that if not given the sun of the brakes, look very dark and sad, in the middle of the entire almost white surface of the airport, "radically changes the architectural beauty of the airport."

    The former central building (terminal), with green windows and a green control tower above it, gave it a special beauty. This other one that replaces the previous one (very dark and without a control tower on top), is not at all elegant with that series of figures on top of the building itself. An apparently dark building in the middle of an almost white surface, they still darken the above mentioned building; The same thing happens to the other in the form of "Y".

    I had asked you to put the main and secondary runways in a lighter color, but the rest of the airport surface was better, or as it was before, or a dark gray color. Everything, all white, is excessive.

    And, the surface between and around the runways continues from a color to recently moved earth. I had asked you to turn that grass green.

    Believe me Colin, it is not easy for me to send you this answer to your good work, but this is how I feel it, and I also feel that I must tell you.

    It is so difficult for you to put the grass (between and around runways) green.

    Do not consider this as negative criticism; I know you have worked hard, and I really appreciate it, but ... I am not entirely satisfied. It is not possible to dial the numbers on the rwy. with the previous terminals?

    A detail that I liked a lot, is the movement of 3 trucks moving continuously in the airport. It is a detail that gives life to that structure.

    For everything you have done, Santiago now has a very worthy airport, and we owe it to, Brunno Bellic.

    Thank you very, very much. Kind regards: Delfin

  • This decision to us xref models was because the models that was in had problems with Hight, and kept splitting apart. now if you want them back I will give you the files to put them in . I also have been looking for a better model for the terminals as I said before I was not happy with them .

    As for the taxi way and rwy you asked to have them the same color as Asturias which they are .and for the grass between and around the rwy is got something to do with photo scenery nothing to do with me , as its just a rwy and taxi way tarmac. the rest for making the grass between and around the rwy is up to you to make photo scenery.

    I am sorry for you not liking the results of my work but at the end of the day its down to people's tastes and I only have a small amount of time to work on scenery as I'm busy working .

    I will get a package for you soon and will send you different versions of terminals and then you can pick which one you would have . as for then terminals I will look for them or I will us rendoc and get the google maps version and then you can see what you think.



  • Hello pascal

    I think your right about the mesh , it might be messing with the models , but as you said it can get a bit frustrating at times , and a big thank you to all that help here on the forum with giving ideas and solutions to fix problems . we all strive for the same goal to make scenery and bring it to the community .

    All in all your right and iv got something for you to test and I think you will like it and may be you can give input to it to .;)



  • Hola Colin

    You were telling me:

    "I am sorry for you not liking the results of my work…". That statement is not true, I am VERY SATISFIED with your work; simply, you can not guess between various terminals that you present me, which one I like best. Neither you nor anyone else can. I like the first one that you have presented more, but surely there are others, that the second one spends more. You know: "about tastes ...".

    And as Tomba has quite rightly said: "... AFS2 is evolving in all its splendo"

    I want to install the 2 terminals that you have made initially, therefore, please send me the corresponding files. And about that airport with those 2 terminals that I want to reinstall, I ask you this (if it is not very difficult for you):

    1º) .- that you put green the strip of surface existing between both rwy.

    2º) .- I have not asked you (as I think you have understood), a large area around the rwy, but simply a strip of between 5 to 10 meters wide in total the outer perimeter of the rwy. The rest of the photographic landscape, I have not asked you, nor am I asking you now, but a narrow strip around the body formed by the 2 rwy, I think you can do it without excessive work. I'm wrong?.

    If later (or when it suits you), you want to send me a package with different versions of terminals so that later I can choose the one I like the most, I would appreciate it,

    I insist, Colin: I am very satisfied with your construction of this Airport, and that of Asturias, to which you have added something original: "those wind turbines" in constant movement, make it very original in that latitude. They wouldn't hurt either, a few to Santiago's.

    What was said: CONGRATULATIONS !, for that work.

    Kind regards: Delfin

  • Hello pascal

    I think your right about the mesh , it might be messing with the models , but as you said it can get a bit frustrating at times , and a big thank you to all that help here on the forum with giving ideas and solutions to fix problems . we all strive for the same goal to make scenery and bring it to the community .

    All in all your right and iv got something for you to test and I think you will like it and may be you can give input to it to .;)



    To get rid of issues like that this roof separating from the main building, a very efficient workaround is to set absolute height instead of relative to ground.

    For that purpose you just set autoheight_override to 0 and object reference altitude AMSL in Z coordinates.

    Code example below with an object called chelles 04, manually placed at 59.5m AMSL

                    <[vector3_float64][position][2.606150 48.894043 59.5]>

    In order to define that Z coordinate, you just move the dev camera next to your object location in AFS2 and using CTRL+F1 keys you can read various stuff, including altitude in meters. Just report it as Z coordinate and you have a good start value. Fine tune as necessary.

    This method has pros and cons :

    + 3D objects never spread into floating subobjects => all potential subobjects use the same height reference whatever the mesh

    + No risk of floating/sunk objects whenever the mesh is late to load (unlike autoheight)

    - Works fine for a dedicated mesh, if you change for another mesh, you might need to fine tune the Z coordinate

    My 2 cents


    Config : i7 6900K - 20MB currently set at 3.20GHz, Cooling Noctua NH-U14S, Motherboard ASUS Rampage V Extreme U3.1, RAM HyperX Savage Black Edition 16GB DDR4 3000 MHz, Graphic Card Gigabyte GeForce GTX 1080 8GB, Power supply Corsair RM Series 850W, Windows 10 64 bit.

  • Ricardoirgendwas: "Good morning, sorry if I break the boxes for the umpteenth time. I wanted to know when you release bella Italia, the Italian scenario bordering on Switzerland. Thanks . Good day ."

    If you give me all your money - it will be faster.

  • Hola Pascal

    I assumed that you had something, and I did not. After reading your posts, my suspicion is confirmed. I had already seen your images from the "LEAS" airport and there, it was when I had this suspicion. I do not know this programming, but my scientific curiosity inclined me to ask you the cause.

    Thanks Pascal and thanks Thomas, for your clarification.

    Kind regards: Delfin