Aerofly FS 4 Beta Version ( 2022-10-13 )

  • We are opening this thread here for information on our current beta version on Steam. This beta version is mainly intentend for VR users and we are seeking for some feedback for the changes we are introducing:

    Aerofly FS 4 v4.0.5.5 - 2022-10-13

    • Added new Steam VR Input system

    If you are using a VR headset more buttons of your VR hand controllers are now supported and you may also assign new functions to the buttons of your VR controllers. These settings are not performed in Aerofly FS 4, but rather in the Steam VR controller settings. Here you can choose a specific action that Aerofly FS 4 support, e.g. 'Recenter view' or 'Button execute' and assign a custom button on your controller to it.

    For most users, we recommend to leave everything at the default, so there is no need to touch any settings here.

    However if you do not like the default settings for your VR controllers, you may do this in the Steam VR controller settings.

  • Glad to see the landing lights are fixed now. I mainly just use my flight sticks and pc mouse but the touch controllers seems to work well (mainly centre view and menu selections) with my Q2

    The starting menus are still a bit shaky with my Q2 (in either Oculus or SteamVR startup modes). Performance seems marginally better but maybe just placebo. I still need to go to 45fps Fixed for decent performance. Overall, a good beta update mate, thanks.

    Edit; Seems to want to do another small beta update (15.08MB) but gets hung up at 14.07MB (93%) and will not go any further. Tried clearing cache and restarting but this has not made any difference. Could be a Steam server issue? I'll try again tomorrow.

    Edit#2; OK, finally downloaded so must have been a Steam server problem. No on beta Seems ok, maybe a bit lower performance and the landing lights are a little too bright imho. Even with 45fps fixed (actually 40fps with my Q2 at 80Hz refresh rate) I needed to lower everything to high except shadows and trees both at Low. Light poles are a bit jagged and shimmering. I can get rid of this by using Vulcan high AA but this then tanks performance and seems to create a lot of unwanted artifacts.

    i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro w/Air Link, Vive Pro

    Edited 2 times, last by TomC RLG (October 14, 2022 at 10:00 PM).

  • I didnt fly with the controllers ...I have any hardware ( Stick, Yoke, Pedals, collective etc)

    I need and use only this :) So I dont have a hand free for a controller when I fly ...

    So I cant answer this questions :) Sorry

    mfg, Jens ...

    Mein Home-Cockpit ... My Simulator Hardware

    MSI PRO Z690-P DDR4 --- SI INTEL Core i7-13700F 2.1GHz LGA1700 Tray --- Palit RTX4070 JetStream 12GB DDR6 --- 16GB DDR4 PC4400 --- SSD Patriot 1TB M.2 Viper VP4300 --- Pimax Crystal

    Alles fliegt irgendwie,
    fragt sich nur wielange

  • I didnt fly with the controllers ...I have any hardware ( Stick, Yoke, Pedals, collective etc)

    I need and use only this :) So I dont have a hand free for a controller when I fly ...

    So I cant answer this questions :) Sorry

    Ya, at least you should now see landing lights working ok in VR. Cheers.

    i9 13900K water cooled, RTX4090, Z790 MB w/wifi6e, 32Gb 6400 ram, 2x2TB SSD, 1000W PSU, Win 11, QPro w/Air Link, Vive Pro

  • Thank you for the beta update, which seems to bring some speed improvement on M1 Macs.

    Issues I have found out until now are:

    > Sometimes there are black ground texture blocks which didn’t resolve.

    > On A320 PFD Thrust mode indication disappears during climb after require LVR CLB setting when Thrust Levers are moved back. It should behave like in this video:

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  • > On A320 PFD Thrust mode indication disappears during climb after require LVR CLB setting when Thrust Levers are moved back.

    And it works exactly like in the video in the current Aerofly FS 4 version. Perhaps you have the autothrottle disengage assigned and accidentally hit it or accidentally activated reverse thrust for brief moment before moving thrust levers to climb?

  • I am playing the FS4 on Steam VR on my quest 2. since yesterday i am facing the issue that i get an Error after starting the game that the action manifest is missing. I can play the game but the controllers won't work. So i tried to google what this error is and could not find a solution for this issue. i also tried to reinstall steam, the game and steam VR, but nothing helps.

    i am really out of any idea what to do. i didn't changed anything on my system before so i don't know why that happened.

    can someone help me?

    bests, phil

  • Thanks for your Sunday answer :) , but when I am moving the Thrust Levers slightly back immediately the autothrottle automatically disengages - what I am doing wrong?

    If you are using a PS5 controller or something. You have to assign numb keyboard keys to the generic throttle (ex: < and >) to get rid off of the UI slider.

    And you assign your gamepad keys to throttle 1&2 in Twin jet. You’ll have a warning but it works.

    You’ll catch detents and be able to enable A/THR easily.

    I fly therefore I am
    MacBook Pro | M3 Max 36 Gb RAM | Thrustmaster TCA Quadrant Airbus Edition | Winwing URSA MINOR Airline Joystick
    X-Plane 12 | ToLiss A319 A320neo A321(-neo/LR/XLR) + KOSP Project | ToLiss A330neo + Mango Studios
    simHeaven | BetterPushback | Traffic Global | X-ATC Chatter | X-RAAS2 | FlyWithLua
    iPad | SimBrief | Navigraph (latest AIRAC)| WebFMC | MetarTaf

    Edited once, last by FrankLFRS (October 16, 2022 at 9:11 PM).

  • You can see my settings at the pic - are these wrong?

    Ah you're using a gamepad and not a joystick to move the throttle. In that case... well this is intentional behavior. We want users to always be able to control throttle in all aircraft regardless of what we though might be a good initial state for the auto-throttle. So if the auto-throttle is moving the throttle as soon as you release your input you would not be able to land for example. The Airbus could be an exception to this rule since the auto throttle can always be turned of by moving the lever aft. But it's still counter intuitive if the thrust suddenly changes on it's own if you are reaching your selected altitude. With an axis you can quickly move your throttle to max or to idle to override the autothrust and disarm it but that is not possible using a gamepad.