So DTG has released news of the impending release of their long awaited sim, Flightsim World into early access sometime this month.
Seems very conveniently timed!
Anyway, Dovetail have never been slackers at marketing, and this announcement already shows all the slick showmanship they are known for.
Having already established themselves at Avsim and other communities, their PR department has unleashed a very professional announcement video, debuted a slick looking new website, sent out announcement emails to pretty much everyone in the world, and undoubtedly we will soon be flooded with preview videos from carefully selected aviation-themed YouTube personalities.
The sim itself appears to be a prettier FSX so far, (surprise surprise) and the video gives me eerie flashbacks to the look and feel of Microsoft Flights environments and graphics.
Of course, the entire simulation community, having been expertly primed for several years, is going to absolutely explode with this news, and if nothing changes, expect Aerofly to become a bit of an also ran for a while until the release of this new sim.
I just hope very much that Ipacs takes the needed opportunity to come out of its shell and communicate a bit more, and be a bit more aggressively self promotional. This has been said before over the years with little result, but I hope right now is different, and you don't allow yourselves to be absolutely buried beneath waves of superior marketing.